I Lack the Middle Ground

<p>I know where I WANT to go.</p>

<p>I know where I CAN go, if I don't get into where I WANT to go.</p>

<p>But what about the middle? I don't know.</p>

<p>Suggestions would be heavenly.</p>

<p>Basic Stats
3.77 GPA, 2150 Superscored SAT, 32 ACT, 800-700-750 SAT II's, 5-4-4-4-2 AP's.
Excellent extracurriculars, letters, essays.
(big profile under "What are your chances?": "CHANCE ME??? I pinky-promise to chance back!")</p>

<p>WANTS: Ivies, GTown, JHU, Pomona</p>

<p>CAN: UW, WSU, USC</p>

<p>MIDDLE: ???</p>

<p>Help would be awesome. Thanks!</p>

<p>Cornell? Investigate their webpage.</p>

<p>That’s middle ground??? YAY!!</p>

<p>I applied there early decision…but I thought it was a reach for me…</p>

<p>Thanks ivydreamin!</p>

<p>If you really, truly, like your “safety” schools, you don’t have to apply anywhere else. So since you seem to like your “safeties”, go ahead and try a couple of “reaches” and don’t feel like you need to look for a whole list of “matches” just because “everyone else is”.</p>

<p>Cornell is not middle of the road, it is as selective as JHU, Northwestern, Brown and Penn. Those schools are reaches, even for Valedictorians with 4.0 GPAs and near-perefect test scores.</p>

<p>“Middle ground” schools would be Boston college, Emory, NYU or Vanderbilt.</p>