I literally screwed up my Junior year. What do I do?

I’m a Junior in high school and I just failed Pre-Calc Honors. Here’s are my A-G courses, I deleted the non A-G.

FRESHMAN YEAR: Semester 1/Semester 2
Geometry: A/A
Biology: A/A
Literature: A/A
French I: A/A
Art: A/A

SOPHOMORE YEAR: Semester 1/Semester 2
Algebra II: A/A
Chemistry Honors: B/B
World Literature: A/A
World History: A/A
French II: A/B
Computer Science: A/B

JUNIOR YEAR: Semester 1/Semester 2
Pre-Calculus Honors: B/D ← This is no mistake. I got a D.
AP Environmental Science: B/B
American Literature Honors: A/A
American History: A/A
French III: B/B

Basically, life turned south second semester but whatever I’m not here to make excuses about my grades and I don’t plan to write about any of it in my college apps because I know they’re tired of those stories. My life is just a mess and I just want to move forward.

What I’m concerned about is how my college admissions to UC’s and CSU’s will be affected?
I literally have to apply to college next fall, but my guidance counselor is on summer vacation and have no one else to talk to. So I’m screwed.
My plan so far is to retake precalc online over the summer, but I don’t know if I have to retake the whole year or only the second semester. Does anyone else know about this? If I retake and get a better grade, how will my UC/CSU GPA be calculated? Someone told me that CSU’s only consider the better grade if you retake the course, but I can’t find a source.

On top of that, does anyone know what my options are? I feel like everything is over, I don’t even know what to do.

Hey, I don’t know much about this either, but I wanted to let you know that I’m in the same boat. (My other grades aren’t as good though haha). I got a D first semester and I am retaking the course over the summer.
If you really want to take Calc next year to get that under your belt I would DEFINITELY retake at least the second semester. If you can get a grade and replace it on your transcript, great, if not, write a letter (I know you said colleges

don’t like this, but do it anyway). Colleges will also greatly respect the fact that you took the time to retake the course over the summer.
REMEMBER: Everything is not over, the best thing you can do is move forward and realize you can’t go back in time and reverse the grade; what you CAN do is retake the course, move on, and try as hard as you can to get back on track.
I’m sorry if I wasn’t much help, I don’t really know about the UC/CSU system and how they calculate grades, but I’m sure there is a way to change the grade or at least explain it. The rest of your grades are really good, and the fact that this is your only grade less than a B should really help you explain that this is a one time thing that won’t happen again.
Keep your head up and you’ll reach your dreams!

UC’s use your 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation but you need to pass all a-g courses with a C or higher. If you do not retake the Pre-Calc class prior to applications in November, your D grade will be included in your UC/CSU GPA calculation. The UC’s and CSU’s will accept your repeat grade in the GPA calculation if you retake over the summer however, for the UC application you still need to report the D grade, not the CSU application.

I would retake the whole year over the summer since the Math Validation requirements state that a final grade of D or F 2nd semester will not validate the whole year course.

Taking a higher Math course and passing Senior year will also validate the D in Pre-Calc, but again you still have the D on your record and in your GPA calculation.

Everyone is allowed a mistake, so do well in the on-line course this summer and you should be fine.

Even with the D, your GPA looks to be in the high 3s. With a 1200ish SAT, there will be lots of schools that will be open to you. Do your best with the re-take - DO NOT beat yourself up and DO NOT try to dig yourself out with an extra challenging Sr schedule. That never ends well.

Post again when you have test scores and have completed the summer class.

On a positive note, you could remember this experience on your college entry essays and make a great story of growth and redemption…

As Gumbymom says…

Retake Pre-Calculus this summer. If it was an HONORS precalculus it will need to be an HONORS pre-calculus class if you want to cover up your grade. You might look for something online. I’d check with someone at UC. Reading the validation rules online I’m not certain you have to retake the whole year, it’s clear that is what you need to do for Algebra & Geometry. It’s honestly not clear what to do getting a D in this level of a math class except to re-take it.