I love this place

<p>This may be OT, but I visited my senior daughter this past weekend and went to the Oklahoma game. I cannot get over the school spirit of the students, alumni and families of the "U" who attended. There were 60,000 people leaving the stadium chanting "It's great/to be/ a Miami Hurricane" and I was one of them. I didn't go here, but I am VERY glad that my kid did.</p>

<p>I also love this place!! I am so surprised by how much!</p>

<p>I grew up close to U of Michigan and visited often, went to Michigan State and Northwestern, lived in a condo on U of Chicago’s campus while hubby went to grad school there, watched over my nephew at Lehigh University which is close to where I live now for my sister who lives far away, visited tons of campuses in the search process and came away feeling that Miami was such a special and different place than anything I had ever experienced. Can’t really put it into words, but the place is just wonderful!!!</p>

<p>Another Michigan State (go green) graduate here too with a son at Miami.</p>

<p>It was great to be at the game and stadium on Saturday. The whole weekend was great (we did our own thing and not “parent weekend” stuff though. Our hotel was packed with Hurricanes and families. Lots of fun. Beautiful area and campus.
SVM- Isn’t your daughter the marine bio girl?? thought of you when we passed the Rosensteil Center out on Biscayne Bay.</p>

<p>Hubby and I have loved UM since our son has attended and will be sad when he graduates. (He is a junior now and loves it too!!)</p>

<p>Yep! That’s my girl! She was so excited yesterday. She got back her first college test grade ever (it was in Marine Science) and she got a 101!! She has her second to last SCUBA lesson tonight and then will be certified for diving. She is in love with Miami!!</p>


<p>Forgot to ask, when were you at State?</p>

Undergrad in June 1980 (lived in Campbell Hall- West circle dorms)
Graduate school (also at MSU) in Dec 1981</p>

<p>When were you there?</p>

<p>State was awesome. Still have friends I keep up with. We have a Facebook group for Campbell Hall. It was small and we had lots of friends there.</p>

<p>Wow, I can’t believe you guys got the OU game for PW, what a game! We had Duke S’s freshman year and after that always scheduled our fall visit during another weekend with a more…um…competitive game. It so great to see all the kids so happy at UM.</p>



<p>This is exactly how we felt. When we were on campus in May for S’s graduation, H and I took a long leisurely walk all around campus for old time’s sake. It was definitely bittersweet. I hope UM serves all your families as well as it has served ours.</p>

<p>Hi I am looking at UM for Science/Math, maybe Computer Sc. Any of your kids in these majors, I would love to hear how the program is. I am a HS senior, thanks.</p>

<p>DS is currently a math major, but since this is his first semester, I can’t really share much about the program. He is in the school of Arts and Sciences and loves UM, that much I can say! There are very few math majors, that much I can say!
UM is clearly like paradise, according to our phone calls! He loves it and the people he is meeting are helpful, kind, down to earth, great to hang out with.</p>


<p>We must have been there at the same time! I started in fall of 1977. Lived in Gilchrist Hall, loved having an all girl dorm! Fall of 1978 was in Shaw Hall. Then lived off campus. Took a semester off to work so I could pay for school and met hubby (at Dooleys!). He graduated before me and got a job in Ct. so I moved out there before I was done (one semester short). Transferred to Hunter College in NYC and and Donna Shalala was the University President there!!! It was so touching to me to have her do the new student welcome for my daughter because I could so well remember her giving me a similar speech all those years ago at Hunter! I was again one semester short of garduating and hubby got transferred to Chicago! I ended up (finally) graduating from Northwestern!!</p>

Dooleys!!! Remeber cooking our own brugers there. Also, my freinds and I got busted for drinking underage (we were a few months shy of 21 and it was still 18 in NY. We had wine with dinner to act older. The 19 year old with us had fake ID, the 16 year old visiting his brother wasn’t even asked for ID. My girlfriend and I were “served” and had to got o court to testify against Dooleys. OK, so our next door neighbor was our waitress and served us!!!)</p>

<p>Northwerstern!!! Great school and stinky in football when we were there.</p>

<p>You’ll be happy to know my son and I sang the Spartan Fight Song at the UM game. Good thing he has such a great memory. Also, a guy 10 rows up from us was in a State t-shirt.</p>

<p>Nost of my friends were from Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham. Some elsewhere. Where were you from? You would have graduated high school with them.</p>

<p>I worked at The Latest Scoop and at Gino’s Italian restaurant. Can’t forget El Az!!!</p>

<p>Yes, Donna Shalala is the best. We loved her at our Parent Orientation too. So inspiring and really made us feel like part of the UM family.</p>

<p>DinDune, my D is friends with a math major…could it be your S, if there are so few??? I believe he lives in SRT on the 5th floor.</p>

<p>Notan4me…I pm’d you.</p>