I love this school

<p>i wuv u...</p>

<p>you are from MD too?</p>

<p>I visited U Penn, then crossed it out of my college list…</p>

<p>How come, Smallab?</p>

<p>epic fail for smalllab.</p>

<p>hey, i’m from MD too.</p>

<p>i visited Penn also, and it’s not my #1 choice but i definitely wouldn’t mind going there.</p>

<p>this is such a pointless thread… it started off wonderfully but was ten corrupted by ignorant comments (yes, harsh)</p>

<p>Not really. Although half of Penn wanted to be here (the EDers), the other half was probably rejected from HYP and had Penn as a second choice. They would still be happy to come here in that situation, though.</p>

<p>it was pointless to begin with. i love it too… but theres no valuable dicussion to be had out of that really</p>

<p>We can probably make it more pointless…</p>

<p>So, are Penn girls and guys the fairest of them all (among the Ivies)?</p>

<p>Not sure, but if anything that gives this thread life.<br>
Anybody know? hahaha
I wonder how … scandalous … the penn population is… lol</p>