I made a mistake in my UC application and I'm afraid I'll be rescinded


Today when I compared the grades I submitted in the UC application with one of my transcripts I realized I wrote a 9 instead of an 8 and a 10 instead of a 9 by mistake (the grading system is from 1 to 10). I believe this happened because (being unable to get my transcripts soon enough to submit my application on time) my headmaster just communicated my grades to me by voice in a quite noisy room and I wrote them on a piece of paper, so probably one of the two of us has made a mistake.

What should I do? Do you think there are chances of me getting my offer rescinded?

I’ve been accepted by Berkeley and UCLA, and I submitted my SIR to UCLA.

Contact UCLA admissions and let them know of the mistake NOW. Make sure you document whom you spoke to and I am sure they will ask you to send a current transcript to confirm the changes.

Keep all documentation. names of individuals you spoke with and ask for confirmation of the changes once they receive your current transcript.

Your final transcript is due July 15th so hopefully they will have these changes noted in your file.

Ok, thank you a lot for the response. Should I explain them why I think it happened as I did here or just inform them of the mistake?

I would just inform them of the mistake.