<p>So I'm taking an online course and every sunday our homework is due and quiz if there is one for that week. Well yesterday I had a bad day and I forgot to do everything. I had a quiz due that was 50 points and a homework assignment that was 20 points. </p>
<p>I emailed my teacher and wrote her a really long email that was emotional (about getting accepted to UCR and how i'm a history major and it's a history class) and sent her a copy of the homework assignment to see if she would take a look at it even though it's past due. I accepted full irresponsibility for the mistake and told her I respected her decision no matter what. (I asked her if she would drop my lowest quiz score bc I noticed my classmates were complaining on the student discussion forum that they received low quiz scores) </p>
<p>I calculated my grade realistically and it seems if she doesn't help me out then I won't get anything better than a C-.</p>
<p>I found out I was accepted to UC Santa Cruz today. I tagged there. Since I'm going to get a C- are they going to revoke my admission? Is this bad for every UC since they only accept grades above C or better? I'm a history major and this is a history class so it's not going to count towards my major if I get a C- right?</p>
<p>:( i'm sad.</p>
<p>If you get a C- will your overall GPA go below 3.0? If it ain’t, then you are fine since UCs still accept Cs.</p>
That sucks.
I’m hoping that your professor has a heart and is flexible. I’m rooting for you.</p>
<p>@chelz if I get A’s and B’s in my other three classes then I will have above a 3.0 for the semester</p>
<p>don’t think it matters whether you have a 3.0 for this semester alone. you need to maintain a 3.0 gpa overall combined with all your past semesters.</p>
<p>my GPA is at 3.3 right now so it should stay above a 3.0</p>
<p>but what about my TAG??</p>
<p>and thanks allfields I hope so too :(</p>
<p>Look at your contract they gave you with your acceptance. Mine for SD says I need to maintain a 3.0 during spring semester, but everyone’s is different. If you get an A to balance out the C then I think you’re okay. You can always ask admissions!</p>
<p>I guess it depends on what your overall GPA will be after this semester. Will it be a 3.0? then you’re all set for TAG. As long as you get atleast a C and keep your GPA atleast a 3.0 then you’re good.</p>
<p>On the tag agreement it says “All in-progress and planned course work must be completed with grades of ‘C’ (2.0) or better.”</p>
<p>a C- in a 3 unit class ~ 1.66. since that’s below a 2.0 will they reject my TAG and also reject me from the campus if I’m already admitted?</p>
<p>Well thanks for your help guys I’ll just try my best to not get a C- and get a solid C so I don’t have to worry about anything. Hopefully my teacher will offer extra credit and i’ll just try to get perfect scores on everything here on out.</p>
<p>Under “next steps” it just says you need to complete this semester with a 2.0 and have good standing at your school meaning at least a 2.0 and no probation or anything.</p>
<p>my teacher emailed me back!! she said I could retake the quiz!!! I can’t do anything about the homework but it was only 20 points so it shouldnt be a problem 
thank the lawd!!!</p>
<p>Yay! I love when teachers have a heart.</p>
<p>Wooohoooo!!! Great news!!</p>
<p>I know((: thanks guys! i was sooo scared I’m definitely going to turn my homework in early from now on!!</p>
<p>great news, unfortunately im in the same situation, but for calc
i dont have tag either</p>
<p>Congrats! That’s nice of her!</p>
<p>@uctransfer I did have TAG thought that’s why i was worried it would be rescinded
try to do your best and get a solid C. ask your teacher for extra credit too!</p>