Hello all,
I am currently a sophomore at a very highly ranked school (top 100). I transferred after going to a bad school freshman year (did not know it was bad). I had a 3.8 avg pa last year in all regular classes. This year I am taking honors english, spanish 4 honors, geometry honors, entrepreneurship, and biology. I had a 3.0 gpa last semester (not bad for the school I go to as it has a great reputation). This is a considerably low gpa and will it effect my chances of college a lot? I am in a very rigorous schedule for a sophomore. next year I will take ap us history, ap us gov, honors spanish 5, chem honors, english honors, all 2 honors, and an art. I have a 3.6 gap this semester so far
Yes it’ll impact your choices since presumably lots of students took an equally rigorous schedule and got better grades. A 3.0 uw means you should look at your flagship (depending on what state you live in and depending on the state also, it’s honors college), midtier state schools, LACs ranked 60-125, and regional universities. A very strong sat/act score will mitigate the GPA somewhat.
people with 85-90 averages do tend to go on to ivies in y school. idk if that changes anything @MYOS1634 Also i was within top 30% ish for my grade but if you add honors, like top 20%
Don’t worry about your past grades as much (what’s done is done). Focus on your next years. As long as you show an upward trend, I don’t see anything that could impact your college admissions. And if 85-90 averages tend to go to Ivies, just keep working and I’m sure you’ll be in the right place when applications come around.