I messed up on my university application

<p>Maybe I'm overreacting but I really want to get into this university. I'm currently at community college and trying to find schools to transfer to. Anyway, I was applying online late one night and at the bottom where it had me type my name and put the current date on there, I put my birth date by mistake. I wasn't confused, just really tired and I didn't notice until just now. Is this a big deal? Will they look at my application and think I'm an idiot and automatically reject me? Or do these things happen and I'm overreacting?</p>

<p>I assume you’re tried to update your profile, if it lets you? Otherwise, call the college and ask them to delete the file and you’ll be sending in a new one. The person assembling your file WANTS to assemble your file, not admit/reject you. That’s not this person’s job. </p>

<p>Yes you’re over reacting b/c the remedy is very simple</p>

<p>I would simply let the college of your mistake and I am sure they will understand. If you ignore it the its a 50 50 chance of what will happen next.</p>