I messed up

<p>I was extremely busy with my job/school/an internship I have going on these past weeks. And I’m a bit of a forgetful person. So, I missed the housing cutoff.</p>

<p>I’ve heard they’ll randomly assign me a spot, but I really want to be in an honors dorm. Is there anyway I can make this happen? The housing office is closed on weekends after 12 PM CST on Saturday, so they were closed when I tried calling.</p>

<p>Try emailing Janine Gascoigne in housing. She is frequently on this CC board as “UA Housing”.</p>

<p><a href=“mailto:jmgascoigne@sa.ua.edu”>jmgascoigne@sa.ua.edu</a></p>

<p>What do you mean by “you missed the housing cutoff”? </p>

<p>I mean I didn’t choose a room. Did the application awhile back, just missed all the selection dates.</p>

<p>And thanks Cuttlefish, I emailed her.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure if you submitted an application for housing and indicated that you wanted honors housing, UA Housing will do their best to place you in honors housing. :)</p>

<p>I could be wrong, but I thought once your room selection time opened, you could make changes/choose room anytime after that. Have you tried to logon and choose?</p>

<p>No, @Longhaul‌, it stays open only until 7 am the following morning.</p>

<p>@dodgersmom Thanks for the correction. </p>

<p>Can’t you go on during later time slots, tho, and ‘re-pick’, so to speak?</p>

<p>There are no more time slots at this point… all done. It was just May 1, 6, and 8.</p>

<p>Returning students could not change anyway. Those time slots ^ were for incoming freshman.</p>

<p>I think the OP is an incoming freshman. Good luck to The Wolfman! FYI, there are Honors students spread around campus, so don’t worry too much if you don’t get assigned to Ridgecrest.</p>

<p>Some spots will open up as some returning students will decide to move off campus, etc. </p>