I missed the UC deadline. What do I do?

<p>I’m at school right now. It’s 4pm in the afternoon and I was unable to gather enough of the credit card information on time. What the hell do I do?</p>

<p>if you didn't submit it on time i don't think there's anything you can do. I might not be right, check with your counselor or see if you can still submit it.</p>

<p>Email them right now and call them tomorrow first thing. Tell them about your situation and they will probably accept your application....</p>

<p>I missed the freaking deadline, too. But website still accepted my application. It probably just won't able to be the priority consideration. Does that mean my chances of getting in become slimmer?</p>

<p>Oh dear. D:
Best of luck Kirin. You should probably contact them.</p>

<p>oh geez dude.</p>

<p>I pretty much sent it in an hour ago, and plan on calling them when working hours begin in California. I skipped on the email thing because I figured I wouldn't get a response til later anyway. </p>

<p>Must... breathe...</p>

<p>I'd send an email anyways - it can't hurt to contact them twice.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you Kirin.</p>

<p>Why on earth wait till the last day to submit and get the necessary info anyway? :&lt;/p>

<p>Ah well, hope you get it fixed.</p>

<p>best of luck, but in the future, don't wait to the last possible second. Rule of thumb should have been don't eat thanksgiving dinner till they are in...</p>

<p>Credit card info? I thought you could pay the fees after you've submitted your app? Or did you mean something else?</p>

<p>You could've just put them to BILL YOU LATER dude!</p>