I Must Decide Now! (Stanford/Duke/Northwestern/Yale)

<p>Ok... so basically it's down to the wire... and i need to make a decision</p>

<p>I am interested in pre-med, or maybe business school. I might major in bio, human bio, economics. I am also interested in film, politics, and philosophy/psych. I got into the special MMSS (mathematical methods in the social sciences) program at Northwestern. I am also an athlete and can play varsity D1 at all these schools. Duke is #1, NU #2, Stanford #19, Yale (20-30). </p>

<p>Any help would be much appreciated... If you want more info just ask or pm me.</p>


<p>If you're interested in pre-med and dabbling in film, Duke sounds like a pretty strong contender.</p>

<p>what sport do you play??? Stanford's athletics as a whole are only matched by UCLA and USC. </p>

<p>I think this one comes down to feel: where will you be the most comfortable/happiest for four years of your life? You certainly can't go wrong with any of these schools.</p>

<p>I like Yale</p>

<p>I play lacrosse. So with Duke I am a little concerned with the whole scandal as I would be a women's lax player and we typically hang out with the guys team. Also I would have to "walk on" to duke, while I wouldn't at the other schools. I did not really like Yale as much as the other three. I was deciding between Stanford and Northwestern, but then I realized Duke would be a really good academic/athletic combo as well. There are tradeoffs with all decisions, but obviously i know I am really lucky and any school will be awesome. I am just trying to decide how much lacrosse matters and if #1/#2 (Duke and NU) is really worth not going to Stanford, and also if it will really make a difference if I go to Northwestern not Stanford (in terms of prestige/academic rating) in the long run.</p>

<p>I would go to Stanford; they have excellent science/pre-med classes, and if you suddenly decide to become a filmmaker you will be in california!</p>

<p>Stanford IS perfect for you.</p>

<p>Yale... If you really like all of them enough to have to ask...go with yale.</p>

<p>I really liked Yale academically. But it just didn't seem to fit me as well as the other schools, and it didn't seem to have as good of an academic/athletic balance. In fact Yale is really off my list so its down to 3... Stanford, Duke and Northwestern.</p>

<p>Noooo! GO TO YALE.</p>

<p>My number two choice would be Stanford, then Duke, then Northwestern.</p>

<p>If you want athletics also, I would say either duke or stanford... Personally I would chose stanford...</p>

<p>Lol, the OP has already made it clear that Yale's not a fit for her. There's no use pushing the issue that's already been decided.</p>

<p>I kind of think that you've probably already kinda made a decision and are asking for input. Well, I think it's up in the air right now between Stanford and Northwestern. Have you visited either? Because your interests sound so varied "pre-med, or maybe business school. I might major in bio, human bio, economics. I am also interested in film, politics, and philosophy/psych." I'd go with Stanford. What if you decide you don't like Northwestern's program? That seems to be what is keeping NU an option. It can happen - even to the people who think they are wholly dedicated to one subject. Stanford is strong in all those fields - it has a very strong biology/pre-med program, and a strong medical school (if you go to Stanford, you can take classes at the graduate/professional schools - someone interested in law, for example, can take classes at their incredible law school even 1st quarter freshman year) that has very strong ties with UCSF and their amazing med program. They have stellar poli sci and econ programs and a pretty good business school. They apparently have one of the most amazing psych programs in the nation. I don't know about film and philosophy, but many of your current possible interests, and any future possible ones, are some of the strongest programs Stanford has to offer (well, Stanford across the board is quite awesome). It's also an incredibly gorgeous campus. :)</p>

<p>I think Stanford sounds really good for you. Is money an issue?</p>

<p>Ebonytear, Yes... I had made the decision last Monday (stanford) and have since just felt kind of weird about it. I don't feel bad giving up Yale, but I do feel bad about Northwestern esp. and Duke. I think this really might just be a lacrosse thing and I don't like the idea of giving up the chance to win a National Championship (NU won last year and has an awesome coach). I visited Stanford last weekend, Yale a week before that and Northwestern a few months ago. Duke I have not visited. If i went to Stanford i am interested in HumBio/STS/MSE and at NU i would do MMSS double major with bio. At NU as a lacrosse player i would get 1st choice in classes and other student-athlete benefits. </p>

<p>And luckily, money is not an issue.</p>

<p>well... no offense to duke, but do you really want to be associated with their lacrosse team right now? I think that it would be a bad idea to go there simply for that reason because they are probably going to be changing it alot next year. I agree with ebony that because you sound pretty indecisive, entering a specific program like NU's would not be the best option. Plus, you have already chosen Stanford once. i know it's scary to have to make the final decision, but you are lucky to have such amazing choices :)</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>I don't know if this matters to you, but just so you know, you'll be able to transfer to almost any school from any of those schools. So don't worry about not being happy and being stuck forever. You'll always have opportunities.</p>

<p>Have you visited them all? (recently) because the atmosphere should be your deciding factor... talk to people who go to each school and see if you fit in...</p>

<p>If sports is big with you, then I think it's between Duke and Stanford.</p>

<p>Stanford for sure. Northwestern is cold, cold, cold.</p>
