I must improve on Critical Reading! What did you do? Please please I need advise

<p>I am at a 710 and have often heard that those that improve past that do so largely because of luck? I don't think this is true..
I'm getting on average 2 wrong sentence completions and 4 wrong passage reading... what do I do? what did you do when you improved? most of you seem to get freakin 800s on your first try..</p>

<p>If you have a 710, the problem is almost never that you don’t KNOW something. It’s most likely that you don’t think well under pressure, or can’t do all the thinking you need in the time allotted. The only way to fix either of these things is to keep taking lots of practice tests, and even then that doesn’t necessarily work.</p>

<p>Dude, CR is fricking difficult. The majority of CCers have huge problems with that section.
A 710 is a great score and I agree with amarkov.</p>

<p>I got a 600. I would be really happy with a 710. How could you get a 700+? I got like 5 SC wrong and 11 passage-based Q wrong on the real test. :/</p>

<p>The thing is that I’m horrible at math :stuck_out_tongue: after studying nonstop for a whole week, i managed to get… 620! And I’m almost sure that was pure luck, since in the 2 practice tests I did I got like 530-570. So I have to make up for it w/ reading… and this scholarship i’m going for has a requirement of at least 1350, and I’m twenty points away!!
I REALLY don’t want to study math… So I decided I won’t… haha</p>

<p>I love reading and speak spanish and some french ( a lot of latin roots help me figure out word meanings)… so I guess that’s how. But yeah the pressure thing is true I make stupid mistakes -__-</p>

<p>i can give you one tip that someone gave me, and i think it helped me a lot.
when you do the paragraph sections on the CR, you have to pick the answer that is:
a) supported by the paragraph and
b) the most correct.</p>

<p>even if there is an answer that logically sounds more correct but is not backed up CLEARLY by the paragraph, you have to pick the other one that IS supported by the text. i truly think that helped me do well on that section.</p>

<p>good luck :)</p>

<p>710 is still a good score, but on critical reading, to improve, keep doing practice questions. With CR, your ability to answer correctly plateaus, like you stay on the same level for a while then your score jumps up, then stays the same, then jumps, etc. I basically bought SAT books with practice tests and just answered all the CR questions to practice CR since I had trouble too.</p>

<p>Also, in general, I recommend Princeton Review’s SAT Prep book. That might help with raising math score.</p>

<p>augustagurrl thank you very much that is actually a very good tip. I keep telling it to myself over and over, and yet many of my errors come from failure to obey that rule:P </p>

<p>niteangel1004 thank you :slight_smile: the problem isn’t that I don’t have the resources to study math, it’s that I just really don’t want to study it. I would be so happy if I could bring up my score in reading, though…so that’s why I’ll stick with that. I’m going to do what you did–practice practice… arrgh haha</p>

<p>Never think an answer is correct. If the passage doesn’t say so, no matter how much it’s “implied,” it’s wrong.</p>