<p>Who are the best college consultants that work with students by planning their academic career and college apps? Please recommend me some of the top college consultants.</p>
<p>Katherine (?) Cohen…</p>
<p>Have you looked into IvyCore? My son worked with them last year and got into Princeton, Yale and Dartmouth. He had very strong grades and test scores, but I really think it was his ability to distinguish himself in the application process that sealed the deal and I honestly think his college counselors played a major role in that. Its a different model from traditional college counseling, advice comes directly from students(in our case a consultant who was still in school at Princeton and someone still at Yale). </p>
<p>The team at IvyCore consists of top students from Ivy League schools who went through a competitive applcation process to get hired and who were selected because they bring something special to the table that can really help students with their applications (columnist for the newspaper to help with essays, former interviewer in admissons office, student government, etc.) The consultant my son worked with who was an undergraduate student at Princeton helped him develop a really unique approach to the application, which I think made a huge difference. </p>
<p>If you are looking to drop 40 grand on a college counselor by all means go with one of the New York City pros, but we found the price and skills of our IvyCore consultants hard to beat.</p>
<p>You could always pay DaveBerry $10,000 and get into an ivy</p>