I need a Penn Portal Explanation

<p>Hey, I just got my Penn Portal today via email. When I logged on to check all my Penn Portal showed was:</p>

<p>Under My Bulletin Board --> Outstanding Application Materials it says nothing is outstanding at this time </p>

<p>Under My Application Information --> My Application Materials it says No Application Information was found for you </p>

<p>What this does mean?
They have received nothing or everything from me?</p>

<p>I’m not sure if that’s weird or not, but for me, under “Outstanding Application Materials” was what they had yet to receive processing. And under “My Application Materials” was a list of everything they would receive at they end of it all, and dates beside matierals they had already processed. Hope that helps :X</p>

<p>Thank you~</p>

<p>Oh and I just checked my Penn Portal again, around 13 hours since I received it and it now displays all the items Penn has received and all the items Penn has not received.</p>