<p>I currently live in Stern- triple room and I want to move out to live with my friend. Anyone is interested in replace my space? because i turn in the cancellation form too late :( my case has not been processed yet. Is there anypne who is Spring transfer and want my room?</p>
<p>I’m a guy. Are your roommates hot? I would like to live there. :)</p>
<p>@hongnhung1636, I’m trying to cancel mine too. When did you submit your application? I think I read somewhere on the application that even if you find a replacement, they can’t guarantee that they would be able to offer that person your place. I’m feeling the impatience and frustration that you are feeling too. I talked to a housing staff today. He said, “If you don’t get your notification during Thanksgiving break, you’ll most likely get a notification on finals week.” They’re still trying to figure everything out, because people are still submitting applications due to studying abroad next semester, graduating, etc. I really hope there are more people wanting to move in than to move out.