<p>If you scored 800 in SAT Critical Reading/Writing, or pretty close to 800, and if you are going to be in the St. Louis area in the 2007-2008 school year then please tutor me. Help me get a perfect score in SAT Critical Reading and Writing. Also if you scored 35/36 in ACT, you can tutor me in ACT too. I will pay far above average $ on a hourly basis. If you are willing to tutor me, send me a private message.</p>
<p>SAT scores aren't everything you know. Trying to buy you way into high scores, by paying for tests isn't likely to help either. If money is no issue have Daddy make a large donation. That will help.</p>
<p>No need to be mean about it. I am trying to score high and get someone to help me out with some things that I am having trouble with. It is like going to the expert to find out how. Consider this, when your car is broke, do you go to your daddy to buy you a new car? or would you look for a car mechanic who can fix your car? If you do not like my idea, fine, but you do not need to be mean. I posted this for help not for your criticism. Please be considerate about other people's situations and treat everyone with respect wheater you like their ideas or not.</p>
<p>PM me (i've got the scores you want and i'm also actually training to tutor writing)</p>