<p>Hey guys I'm going to be a senior next year and I'm in a dilemma because I don't have enough room for all me classes.</p>
<p>Ok so the classes I'm hoping to take
AP English
AP govt
AP physics
Spanish 3 honors
Pre cal
Leadership-we have to take this since I'm am executive position
Photography- I still need my art.
And I'm going to do decathalon for a zero period</p>
<p>I'm planning to take an art at my local community college and hopefully pre cal so I can move on to AP calculus.</p>
<p>So if you guys can give me some advice so that I have space for classes or any suggestions for classes to take out.</p>
<p>I don’t see anything wrong with your schedule
It’s good.</p>
<p>I don’t have space for all of the classes because I can only take upto seven at my high school</p>
<p>Which AP Physics are you taking? Also athletics isn’t really “academic” so I would take that out.</p>
<p>Idk which one it is. Why, does it matter?</p>
<p>Well I have to do it for tennis.</p>
<p>It matters because AP Physics B is a semester, and AP Physics C has two parts: Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism which is yearlong. It seems like you have too much going on, it seems like you won’t be able to take the art class at Community College, so just take Photography, also are you really interested in AP Government? If you’re not, just take that class out.</p>
<p>AP Physics B is a year at my school</p>
<p>take one over the summer. Its probably a good idea to have atleast precalc done before AP physics B since physics is precalc/algebra 2 based. Id try to take precalc over the summer.</p>
<p>Well I have to take government cause its a requirement and AP physics is a yearlong. And I’m going to take art history at the college during the summer so it can make space for my other classes.</p>