I need advice from Women at USNA

<p>Hi, this question is for women who have experienced the trials and enduring days of Plebe summer and USNA life. I guess if you happened to be male, you could try to answer, but I don't think males will be all that acurate!!</p>

<p>So, to be blunt, how did you deal with your menstrual cycle during plebe summer? I know there is swimming and other activities that might make the hindering situation even more annoying. How have you dealt with this, or really, how does the Academy/cadre deal with those women who are, well, on their periods?</p>

<p>Also, on a slightly related note, how did you deal with personal grooming issues (hairy legs, uni-brows, eh... bikini areas) during plebe summer? </p>

<p>I get that one may not have time to worry about these petty things during those 7 weeks due to the fact that there is a very important transformation going on, but they are concerns of mine!!!</p>

<p>I am waiting to hear back from the academy, just so you all know.</p>

<p>Thanks, ladies, for the help!</p>

<p>I have replied via PM.</p>

<p>Thank you for your insight, USNA1985</p>

<p>There was an excellent post on the USMA threads about being a woman at an academy. The last post was about a year ago; if you do a search over there for “women” etc., you can probably find it.
Lots of insight by a then-recent graduate who gave lots of advice that you seek.
Worth looking for.</p>

<p>I found this one real quck:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/military-academy-west-point/440106-plebe-s-perspective-especially-girls.html?highlight=female+cadet+west+point[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/military-academy-west-point/440106-plebe-s-perspective-especially-girls.html?highlight=female+cadet+west+point&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>Here it is: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/military-academy-west-point/189698-minority-report-girls-guide-west-point.html?highlight=girls+guide[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/military-academy-west-point/189698-minority-report-girls-guide-west-point.html?highlight=girls+guide&lt;/a&gt;
Some of this may apply to USNA too.</p>

<p>I think it is actually very useful. The one difference is that I don’t think mids spend as much time in the field or in combat boots as cadets, although they certainly spend more time today in these activities than we did. For any females doing CVW – and males too – these are the types of questions you should ask!</p>


  1. Tampons in sports bra. Dont be surprised if your period is thrown off.
  2. Shave on Sunday mornings during personal time.
  3. Have tweezers sent during plebe summer for the eyebrow issue.
  4. HURRY UP CLASS OF 2013!!</p>

class of 2012.</p>