<p>Hello! I thought I had things figured out for the most part but this past week has been really influential and my mind has changed a lot about my future. As for my career plans, I think that I want to major in broadcast journalism (with a possible minor in French) and then go to law school. </p>
<p>I am absolutely certain that I want to go to NYU or Columbia for law school.</p>
<p>Where would I fit in? I was thinking Kenyon for a while but recently visited and came to the conclusion that the tiny, 'bubble' environment would drive me crazy. I need a bigger school, preferably in the city, surrounded by culture and experiences. I also would really like to go to a well-respected place - wouldn't we all? - where I would get great internships in NYC (for law/broadcast journalism) and an excellent chance of getting into the aforementioned law schools. NYU is probably my first choice, but I don't know if I will be able to visit. Financial need is a factor.</p>
Caucasian Female
Region: St. Louis Area (still in Illinois, though)
School: Competitive, large public
GPA: 4.839w (on 5.0 scale)
Thus far, I have taken the hardest possible courseload at my school.
Class Rank: 19/592
Note: GPA/class rank increased substantially after freshman year. My only B's were in two courses my freshman year and I've gotten straight A's ever since.</p>
<p>ACT Composite: 30 (going to retake in September and October after seriously studying math/science)
English: 35
Math: 26
Reading: 34
Science: 25
Writing: 11
Question: will this large discrepancy between my English/Reading/Writing and Math/Science scores look better since I am going for an English-related field? My guidance counselor said that it would probably make my score look a little bit more like a 32-33 to adcomms, but I don't know. </p>
<p>EXTRACURRICULAR (this, in my opinion, is my strongest area)
Marching Band (9, 10, 11, 12)
Concert Band (9, 10, 11, 12)
-in top concert band/wind ensemble (10, 11, 12)
-1st chair French Horn
Top Vocal Jazz Ensemble (10, 11, 12)
-will be an 8 person group (12), I will be one of 2 altos
-made ILMEA All-district (10, 11, 12?)
-made ILMEA All-State for Vocal Jazz as a junior (only offered to upperclassmen), one of 9 altos in entire state of IL
French Club (9, 10, 11, 12)
Newspaper (9, 10, 11)
Theatre (9, 10, 11, 12)
-multiple starring and supporting roles
Member of French Honor Society, English Honor Society, Science Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Thespian Society, NHS (all 11, 12)
Cantor at my diocese's Cathedral
Student Teacher/helper for local Catholic PSR Program (10, 11, 12) (like a sunday school)
Employed at local Dairy Queen (11, 12??)
Take piano/music theory, french horn, and voice lessons
In a 2-person band</p>
*Won National Anthem Competition for State of IL through rigorous ILMEA Auditions, one of ~10 vocalists in entire state. Will sing the National Anthem for the IHSA '14 Girls Volleyball State Finals to crowd of ~10,000. The principal and the music teachers will attend with me as an honor
*High Honor Roll</p>
Mellophone/French Horn section leader for marching band (12)
-organize sectionals to help other members improve music and marching, responsible for actions and performance of section
Vocal Jazz Alto Section Leader (11, 12)
-lead altos to correct ILMEA location, sign them up for ILMEA audition times
President of French Club (12)
-spearhead meetings, organize fundraisers and group activities, lead club on field trips, order club items, lead other officers
Features, Centerspread, and Editorial Editor for Newspaper (10, 11)
PSR Student Teacher (10, 11, 12)
-assist adult teacher in explaining theological points, gathering documents, errands
Leader of a Luke 18 group (official title: Disciple)
-organize/teach/guide group of middle schoolers in a Catholic church retreat
Invited to sing at local Cancer Benefit Concert, performed original songs</p>
Server/cook at Cathedral Parish/St. Vincent dePaul free breakfast for the needy
-provide a free hot meal to needy/underprivileged locals every Saturday
Assist in babysitting local girl with Autism</p>
<p>I hold liberal views and have a passion for helping the underprivileged. I love to be surrounded by people, especially those who have had vastly different experiences than I (and thus can teach me something about both the world and myself). I want my college to change my life, culture me, improve my outlook.</p>
<p>I'm considering: NYU (this is the absolute dream), BU, U of I, Northwestern (my ACT is low for NW), I guess Mizzou? </p>