I need help

I’m currently a sr in Agronomy at Kansas state university. I was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2 and struggled with depressive episodes for a few years but I was diagnosed with depression previously and the medicine made my episodes worse. Because of my episodes I’ve had problems in school and have been dismissed and reinstated 2 and this time I’ve been told I was on my last chance. I had an episode and worked hard to pull up my grades. I was taking 4 classes this semester and managed to pull 3 of my grades up to two bs and a C but one i couldn’t pull up so I requested an incomplete and to do the class again over the summer. The professor told me no. with the F I fail out if I withdraw from the class it’s based on cumulative gpa and I fail out. So I’m failing unless I get this incomplete. My next issue is I’m from an abusive household and I can’t go home I have no money I have no friends or family other than my parents and I would rather live on the streets than go back home. Does anyone have any idea what I can do? I’m scared and alone and I don’t know what to do.

You need help that strangers on the internet can’t give you. I urge you to contact the Kansas chapter of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Their phone number is (800) 539-2660. Tell them your situation and they can give you resources to consider.

All three of my kids (19, 22, and 24) have been diagnosed with mental illness, and NAMI has been really helpful to all of us. Good luck and hugs!