I need reassurance for VT!! Please chance

<p>GPA: 3.96 (UW) (note: this year the grading scale has changed from a 7 to a 10 point scale)
Rank: Top 10%
SAT: 1740 - 610 Math, 560 CR (yeah it's low, standardized testing is not my forte)</p>

<p>Taking 7 APs in total:
World Hist, US Hist, Gov't, Calc AB, Lang, Chem, Economics
so far taken two exams:
US History - 5 World History - 4</p>

<p>I play travel soccer, and for the clubs, I'm in NHS, FBLA, Key, English Honor Society, etc.
Volunteered as a cousenlor at a Buddhist Summer Camp in California for the past two summers, (600+ hrs).</p>

<p>My friend just got deferred from VT's early decision, so I'm pretty worried. SATs are the worse for me, but its too late to take another one.</p>

<p>I think you should make it. At most schools of VTech’s caliber you’d be fine, but VTech is really numbers oriented, so you SAT scores hurt a little, but they should be offset by a real good GPA on a tough schedule, IMO.</p>

<p>With the grading scale change… you from NoVA? I’m dealing with the same thing.</p>

<p>To be honest, I think you’re a spot on match. Not a reach, but not a safety either.</p>

<p>agreed, spot on</p>