I need some advice with academic dismissal.

<p>Hello, I'm an international student at UTSA. I enrolled at the University in the Spring 2009 term and was dismissed twice from the school. The first time I was dismissed was in the Spring 2010 semester, when you are dismissed for the first time in UTSA you get readmitted after sitting out one term. So I didn't enrolled during the summer and was back in the Fall 2010 term. They switched my major to undeclared though as I was dismissed from the College of Business and didn't reapply to get back in it yet. Anyway I didn't make a 2.0 GPA that semester either so they dismissed me for a second time from the school.</p>

<p>You can reapply for admission after sitting out one whole calendar year, so I enrolled at SAC which is a community college here in San Antonio for two semesters (last year terms), the Spring term I got a 2.8 GPA which was lowered to 2.4 in my transcript due to replacing a D in accounting with a B during the summer. The second term I got a 3.5 GPA though, and during the fall 2011 semester I did the readmission process to get back at UTSA which included writing an essay. I got the call from the Dean saying I was back into the school under certain conditions like proving I had an overall 2.0 GPA in my last college and such. But the College of Business said no to my application and recommended me to choose a major outside of business. So now I'm back at UTSA this semester and I enrolled with 12 credits as it was one of my conditions and i'm taking classes to replace my grades and get my overall GPA above 2.0 to get out of Academic Probation.</p>

<p>I could reapply for readmission to the College of Business again but I want to do that after getting out of Probation and getting this term a 3.8 GPA, but I really feel like I've ruined my chances for the future with my transcripts now saying that I was dismissed twice from this university. Any advice on what should I do to improve my chances for readmission to the College of Business? and also any advice for the future addressing my dismissals?, have I ruined my opportunities?</p>

<p>Please, I could really use some help with this.</p>

<p>We wouldn’t know how to help till you explain what cause the dismissal and address those problems. Were you lack of effort? Partying too much? Procrastinating?</p>

<p>It was all of those things. I procrastinated too much during college which eventually led to my first dismissal, I wasn’t partying that much…it was just that I missed being home since I went there during the holidays and I always felt more comfortable there and obviously fit better. This led to a lack of effort and poor grades. During the fall 2010 semester I moved outside of the campus and started living with some friends which ended up a big mistake since I signed up for early classes, lived far away and in SA buses take forever to get to a certain place. I ended up missing classes and depending on non-reliable roommates which was a huge mistake on my part to either get rides to the school or help with cleaning and order in the house. I got a second dismissal and I transferred t SAC to avoid getting my visa cancelled. This spring 2012 term I signed up for academic coaching and I’m taking advantage of every help the university can give me to be a better student. But I still want to know if my future is screwed by these mistakes.</p>

<p>Can I get back on my feet from this? A good overall GPA depends on me changing my habits that’s for sure but is masters later out of the question already since no university will take a second time dismiss student?</p>

<p>Bump it up.</p>