I need some help deciding EC's...

<p>I am quite confused about what EC's I should participate in for next year (12th grade). Currently, I have 2 AP and 4 IB classes and 1 elective (we have to take 1 elective). Because I am lacking in EC's, I decided to choose to be on in Debate honors (and on the debate team). However, I recently was accepted into the yearbook staff as an editor (yes, this is also a class). So my question is, which would look better:Debate team member or yearbook staff editor? Or should I take both and 1 less AP class.
A few months ago (maybe March) I talked to the CAP counselor; she told me that I was ranked 3rd (out of about 800 students). My weighted GPA was about 5.45 (unweighted:3.87) while the two people ahead of me had 5.55 and 5.59 GPA's. I fear that if I take 1 less AP course, maybe I'll fall back to the fifth or sixth ranking. Does it really make a BIG difference if I am valedictorian or is it almost as impressive to be in the top 10 ranks out of 800? Anyways, I have other EC's in mind such as badminton, some EPA work, and/or an internship with the National Hurricane Center (if I am allowed).<br>
Therefore, I need some help making up my mind. As of now, I have decided to keep the 2 AP courses (AP Comparative Politics, AP environmental science) and to replace debate with yearbook staff editor. I have until WEDNESDAY TO MAKE UP MY MIND. Thanks in advance for any response.</p>

<p>hmm both of those EC's seem like your run of the mill high school applicant ECs, and I don't think one is better than the other. the editor thing would definetly show leadership tho.</p>

<p>I think that most succesful Columbia applicants were able to portray a unique ability or accomplishment in their application, whenever I have heard Admissions people speak, they seem to have stressed the applicants "potential for success" and interesting personal accomplishments. That being said, you seem like a really strong academic applicant, so I wouldn't stress over you rank too much. I got in ranked in the top 10% but probably not in the top 10 at my school.</p>

<p>I would recommend taking a more hardcore AP than environmental science. I would strongly recommend that. So you'll have to work a little harder next year, but how worth it do you think it is? I agree with davidpien, because the ECs are a little run of the mill, and badminton isn't exactly considered a sport among colleges (no, not even in the ivy league). It won't matter if your grades drop just a bit if you're taking harder classes. You definitely don't want to take obviously easier classes in order to get better grades. That will do you more harm than good. It's really too bad your school is loaded with so many APs. Comparative Politics really shouldn't be an AP class. Environmental Science shouldn't be, either. I don't know why the latest craze is to make everything AP. It only results in GPAs that are so high and weighted that I've never seen anything like it. It also results in stupid multiple choice tests that cost money. ANYway, if you're gonna take APs, you might as well take the REAL ones.</p>

<p>Speaking of sports, I can say that I was a member of the tennis team also. I listed badminton just for the heck of listing an example of an EC I was considering. I can also join the golf team if I want (which is a REAL sport). Speaking of AP classes, what other AP class should I take if AP Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, US History, European History, Spanish, and English were taken? Yeah, okay there is AP Physics. But I have not even taken Physics honors yet. So what other legitimate AP courses should I take? If AP environmental science is so slack, then why is that the lowest scoring AP course(the national average is about 2.7)?
Besides, my original question was about the EC's. Which would be better to take: Debate Honors/debate team or Yearbook staff/editor?</p>

<p>Because the slackers take it, duh. Debate might be better because it's good for other things, too, like public speaking, persuasion, quick thinking, which are good skills to have, while yearbook is a nice thing but doesn't teach you skills as important as debate's. Physics would be awesome. But maybe too unrealistic. I don't know what APs exist, because I wasn't big on them. You could try maybe art history, which is pretty hard and would make you a more interesting person (something calculus doesn't do). I don't know, just look at the course offerings, and look at your past classes and try to get a good mix with some challenge, too. Are you honestly interested in taking a class on environmental science and getting a 3 on the stupid AP test in it? Sorry, but I just can't imagine it. APs ruin everything.</p>

<p>Tennis, golf, and badminton, eh? Going the all-preppy way, I guess. Sweet.</p>

<p>Here's a thought: do what you're most interested in, not what you think will give you the best shot at college admissions.</p>

<p>What a fantastic idea, abcdefghijklm!</p>