I need some help with what colleges i should be looking at

<p>Hi all, this is my first post on this site, even though i've been looking at it for a while. I've been looking a lot at Johns Hopkins, Rensselaer, Bucknell, Tufts, MIT (huge reach), and potentially Cooper Union.
My SAT total score is 1980
Math: 690
writing: 610
my gpa: 3.222
i'm currently enrolled in the IB program, and my class rank is about 27/185
I play soccer, but i'm not a captain
i'm in a few clubs at my schools like Invisible Children, and Interact
i was just wondering if anyone could give me any ideas if i would be in a good position to go to any of these schools, and if not, what some good schools would be.
Oh, also, i'm a Junior, and i'm working on bringing my GPA up, i'm hoping to have a 3.6 by the end of the year. also, i want to go to school for Electrical Engineering.</p>

<p>MIT as you mentioned is mega competitive and it is worth mentioning the middle 50% for math SATs is 720-800 at their school. Have you looked into Worcester Polytechnic Institute? One of their strongest programs is Electrical Engineering and your scores put you in their range.</p>

<p>Thank you, yeah i have been keeping my eye on Worcester, however, one problem with going to a technical school is that i really want to minor in spanish, and i also would like to mention my 3.222 is unweighted, if that changes anything at all.</p>

<p>If you can work at bringing your GPA up and maybe getting into the top 10% of your class your chances would go up. I think you have a good shot at Bucknell and I know it’s a great school. good luck!</p>