<p>Hey everybody, I've been to the forums before, and read a lot of posts, but I now have a question of my own.<br>
I'm currently enrolled in San Francisco State and want to transfer. I have recently been accepted into Fordham University for this coming spring, but it is so difficult to simply up and move to New York. Fordham told me that I would be unable to defer enrollment and would simply have to apply again. Now, I really do want to go, but I would also like to weigh other options as well, and not put all of my eggs in one basket. I'm also unsure of whether I would get into Fordham again, and I do not want to graduate from SFSU.<br>
I have a 3.6 in college, and i got like a 3.2 in high school.<br>
I do a lot of volunteering and sports and whatever, and I can write an essay, but I'm wondering if Fordham is the best of my options given my stats.<br>
I'd like NYU, but it seems somewhat difficult. So...should I bite the bullet and move? Or wait and apply elsewhere, while risking not getting into Fordham again... Is fordham the best I can do given these stats? (1900) SAT's as well)</p>
<p>What is your major? Can you afford Fordham? Fordham is a great school; it can prepare you for all kinds of professions.</p>
<p>However, if going there requires big student loans, there are cheaper options available.</p>
<p>Are you a freshman or soph?</p>
<p>What about U San Francisco?</p>
<p>How is the employment of Fordham’s business related major graduates? Is it an advantage for Fordham graduates to find a job in NYC because it is located in NYC?</p>
<p>^^I’m not sure USF would be cheaper than Fordham - with tuition, room and board USF is about $50,000/year [Tuition</a> and Fees Schedule for Academic Year 2009-10](<a href=“http://web.usfca.edu/templates/aes_tuition_inside2.aspx?id=2147491107]Tuition”>http://web.usfca.edu/templates/aes_tuition_inside2.aspx?id=2147491107) . Unless the OP can live with friends/family in SF and reduce costs that way, the totals would be similar.</p>
<p>I agree that the costs are about the same, but going to USF means not moving to NYC.</p>
<p>but it is so difficult to simply up and move to New York.</p>