<p>I was wondering if the Kaplan Math 2 or Princeton Review Book is better in terms of teaching material and having the most practice tests (accurate tests, too!). Like it says in the title I got a 670, but would really like to bring it up! Thanks!</p>
<p>Princeton Review is very helpful and straightforward.
700 shouldn't be too hard to crack since you're only three raw points away.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>PR, good review and somewhat accurate tests</p>
<p>Yah, I would recommend getting both. If you can only get one, Princeton Review. It teaches the material really well and accurate tests. If you want extra tests than Kaplan has some good accurate ones as well (the actually teaching part is okay).</p>
<p>imo princeton review is an easy read and all, but it doesnt cover all the topics you need to know on 2c. and also the tests arent hard, but i wouldnt say that they're accurate because i took it the day before test and scored a measly 680 but i got a 780 on the real thing</p>