I need to know what you think!! Please help!

<p>If cost is "very important" then, IMO, it is unwise to ED. You have to attend that particular school whether or not you can afford to. IE, the college may think you can afford to pay X amount of money, when you really can only pay Y (less than X). So.</p>

<p>cost, fortunately, is a factor but NOT enough that it would prevent me from applying early, but thanks. Any other thoughts/suggestions?</p>

<p>I'm still obsessing about what to do about applying early to Brown......Do you think I have a shot at Northwestern (Medill School of Journalism), Georgetown or Tufts? - thanks for your advice</p>


<p>As my college counselor told everyone this year, your strategy must reflect the time in which you are applying-the hardest in history. </p>

<p>At my school, you would be advised that with stats boarderline for any ivy, if you are a legacy at one and really want any ivy, you'd best apply there ED. You will not get the full benefit of legacy RD, they expect you to show the love you want to be shown.</p>

<p>No one from my uber competitive school got into Brown, ED or RD, with your stats this year who was not an athlete or legacy. ED will not help you at Brown if you're not hooked.</p>

<p>Think really hard about where Cornell is in your pecking order. If it's close to the top, personally I'd ED there.</p>

<p>Never give up on your dreams.</p>



<p>^Machiavelli would not say that;)</p>

<p>Brown has such a diverse (along just about all measures!) student body that it's hard to replicate. If you liked Dickinson, I would say that captures the more prep school vein (although it's not exclusively that way) and Wesleyan would capture the more artsy vein. Both of these, like Skidmore, are slightly larger LACs.</p>

<p>What confuses me is that, in terms of "feel', I personally would not compare Brown to Georgetown and certainly not Northwestern and probably not Tufts! What is the intersect here that you see? That would help me make suggestions...</p>

<p>Not a good chance for Brown. Your EA choice can serve as a safety if you get in there. Otherwise you may want to look for a true safety.</p>