I need to take two test which ones?

<p>Hey Guys,
I took Math Level 1 back in sophmore year and got a 500... I had a bad teacher and was lazy lol.
well now I'm applying to a college that needs two SAT II tests.
Which ones are generaly the easiest tests to take?
How about World history? That was somethign I was always good at.
I'm thinking about being a Bio major, so how are the bio tests (which one is easier)?
And my eng teacher wants me to take lit, I hear that pretty bad?</p>

<p>Bump bump bump</p>

<p>Okay, what are you good at? What are you interested in (Bio might be a good pick for you)? What are you taking in school now and are you willing to study ahead of the class? Would you prefer to take the test of a subject you took last year (which will also require review)?</p>

<p>lit is considered the hardest subject test for most, but it’s not impossible. on the other hand the “easier” tests include math I (deja vu of the math section of the SAT), US and World history (fairly easy if you’ve taken the APs and did well), and physics/math II (very high curves). but it really depends on what your skills are.</p>