I never reported I failed a class in sophomore year to UC's? Will I get rescinded?


I got into UC Berkeley. I spent freshman and sophomore year in New York. In 10th grade, I was taking AutoCAD, it was a required course in our school (not a state requirement per se). Due to bad mental health, prolonged absences, bad home-life, and lack of accommodation by my CAD teacher, I failed the course.

I moved to Cali in 11th grade, got my stuff together, etc. When it was time to self-report my grades in senior year, I noticed CAD was not listed in the A-G requirements at all, so I just didn’t report it.

Will this get me rescinded from Cal?

Wrong forum but if you didn’t report a failed class you will get rescinded maybe explain your situation to Cal

If it is not considered an a-g course then you are not required to report the class, however does it show up on your transcript?

Yeah it does. But if im not required to report it, am i safe

Yeah it does. But if im not required to report it, am i safe

In that case if it shows on your transcript, I would contact Cal just to double-check. Better to be safe than have your decision rescinded! I hope it works out!

I concur ^^^^ and contact UCB just to be sure.

I had an earlier issue with something on my transcript and I emailed them a week ago (they said responses come within 4-7 days) and now I’m wondering whether I should wait for a follow up on that update to my admissions before saying something else