I never thought I would ask this, but...

<p>I have this recurring dream where it's February 1st, and I hear the UPS truck outside, and I run to the window, and the UPS truck is coming down the street, and it gets closer and closer and closer as I get happier and happier until finally it drives past my house, parks in front of my neighbor's house, and delivers an Olin CW invitation to the dumb kid that lives there, who jumps up and down in happiness as I watch, dumbfounded. Then I go to my room and cry.</p>

<p>...totally kidding. But yeah, I'm going to be watching for that UPS truck once invitations are out.</p>

<p>Ahhh college, I was feeling a little better until I read your last sentence.</p>

<p>It wasn't that bad, but last night I dreamt the UPS truck stopped in front of my house but a car was blocking the mail box so he got out and sat on the curb organizing the envelopes that he had. The whole time I was staring out the window and the delivery man saw me, but he never came to the door!</p>

<p>And then the dream ended I think.</p>

<p>I've been thinking about Olin waaaayyyy too much!</p>