I only got Regents at Berkeley but no other UC's... weird?

<p>I applied to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI and UCSB but only got regents at Berkeley. Seems pretty uncommon to me. I did get Irvine’s CHP though. My SAT score is pretty high (2240) and my GPA is around 4.3. Any ideas why this could be?</p>

<p>I have a similar situation, except minus the Regents at UC Berkeley… :frowning: </p>

<p>I did get Irvine Regents in February, but not Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, or UCSB (didn’t even get the Chancellor’s Reception invite!). I did get CHP at Irvine, Honors at Davis, and Honors at SB, so that’s something. </p>

<p>My stats are similar - 2280 SAT and 3.96 UW, not sure weighted GPA but by the end of this year I’ll have 13 AP classes- so I’m a bit perplexed and worried as well. I was originally hoping to get Regents and UCLA and/or Berkeley, and now I’m just praying to get <em>accepted</em> to one of the two schools. </p>

<p>Regardless, Berkeley Regent’s is extremely prestigious, so you have every reason to be proud. Maybe the other schools just knew you were too good for them and didn’t even bother trying to lure you with the scholarship :stuck_out_tongue: </p>