<p>Since I only speak english and just a tiny bit of basic spanish, is Midd going to hold that against me since it is referred to as a language school? I'm worried about this because I love Midd and I don't want the fact that I only took up to spanish 3 to ruin my chances at this great school...</p>
<p>^dude, I’m in the same boat. (only took up to Spanish 3. Spanish sucks. But if I get an interview, I’ll make sure to tell them that I’m interested in taking Latin in college.)</p>
<p>Ooh yeah that’s a good idea about the Latin. I actually got a waver signed by a leaning specialist and my Spanish 3 teacher, essentially saying that I’m an idiot and will never be able to learn Spanish becaue my brain doesn’t process langauges correctly, so I’m not sure if that would fly for me. Do you think that’ll look bad? That I want to apply to a “language school” when I “can’t” even learn languages?</p>
<p>Ugh college stuff is stressful</p>
<p>One of the things Middlebury stressed when I visited (twice) was that they’re not interested in being ONLY known as a strong languages school. They put a lot of emphasis on having excellent Environmental Studies, English, etc. departments also. So as far as that goes, if you’re brilliant in physics or something, they’d probably like that (imagine how many “language-y” people they get applications from! …a.k.a. me. Oh, dear). </p>
<p>Of course, the fact remains that most schools of Midd’s caliber expect you to have some foreign language under your belt in high school, but I don’t think they demand that you love it/want to continue it in college. </p>
<p>I’m pretty sure that if you can justify why you only took up to Spanish 3 and that you filled that empty spot in your schedule with a substantial class that you’re passionate about, I doubt there’ll be an issue. </p>
<p>Oh, and one more thing–apparently, if you feel the need to explain more about this problem, you can write something up and attach it to the Common App as an addendum. They told me to do that when I told them about an issue I have this year about my schedule.</p>
<p>Thanks so much LaMariposaAzul, you’re advice was really helpful and you’ve definitely calmed me down a bit! Thanks for your help and good luck in the whole application process!</p>
<p>LaMariposaAzul - </p>
<p>You seem to really want to go to Middlebury - I hope you get in. My son (Class of 2012) really likes it there.</p>
<p>Master Dad, I would LOVE to go to Middlebury. I’m applying RD, since I have a couple other schools (cough Wellesley Bowdoin cough) that I also like. Actually, at this point, I’d just really love to get into college…but Middlebury would be incredible! </p>
<p>What has your son’s experience been? What’s he studying?</p>
<p>LaMariposaAzul - </p>
<p>My son seems to like it there. Our impression is that the administration and other students there are really nice.</p>
<p>He says that he has a lot of reading. He’s taking a freshman seminar class, an advanced French class (with a bunch of sophs and juniors), intro German, and a political science class. He wants to study abroad in France his junior year.</p>
<p>BTW, he was accepted at Bowdoin and Bowdoin offered him some independent study money. He liked Middlebury more, though.</p>