I have been enrolled as a full- time student. I am a senior at my school.
Recently, I just looked at my account through self-service and apparently owe $239 just for the spring '16 semester ($239 that I don’t have)…I don’t understand this at all. My scholarships, federal aid and loans have covered all my fees, which means that I usually get a refund check so that I can buy my textbooks and supplies needed for classes, but not this semester. I was really expecting that refund check.
I have applied for loans so that this wouldn’t happen to me, but I need a co-signor and my federal loans are maxed out. I also do work study on campus, but it only covers gas and lunch (I’m a commuter). I have been looking for jobs. I fill out applications, but get ZERO callbacks for interviews. If I’m lucky, I would get a call for an interview, then the interviewer says that they’re going to interview other candidates and they’ll call me back, but they never do.
I’m down on my luck, and I really don’t want to withdraw from school because I’m so close to finishing (graduating in spring '17), and I’m at the end md my rope. I really need some advice to build me up. Thank you all very much! 
How many semesters have you been in college? Maybe you have been there too long.
This semester is my 5th semester, but I’m graduating in '17 because I switched majors and I only have 4 classes in the psych major to take to get my degree.
Have you talked to your financial aid department? Maybe it’s a mistake.
Are you taking full time course load? Did you last term?
Yes, I’m taking full term and I did last time.
“fed loans are maxed out.”
Does that mean that you’ve borrowed $7500 for this year? If so, do you have a parent with poor credit? If so, have them apply for a Plus Loan, and then they’ll get denied and your loan can be bigger.
HOWEVER…if you do this, only borrow the $240 or so dollars. Don’t borrow the max. Otherwise, you could run out of loans for next year and face the same problem since there is an overall max you can borrow.
The charge should have a label/description of what it’s for. Then you can determine whether it’s correct or not.
I’m confused. If this is your fifth semester in college…that would make you a college junior…right? So next year you would be a senior and would graduate in 2017. That is right on time…unless I’m not getting something correct here.
You need to call,the financial aid office at your school and find out why there is a difference this term vs. last.
Okay, start here: Look at your financial aid. Are your disbursed amounts the same in spring as they were in fall? If not, what is different? If they are the same, look at your charges - do you have more credits in spring than you had in fall?