I realized that I didn't

<p>write the "I hereby... etc" statement on the back of the answer sheet in cursive!
has this happened to anyone before?
what happened? it is ok?</p>

<p>wow… ur proctor sucks?</p>

<p>I didn’t write one of mine in cursive lol (last year). nothing happened</p>

<p>anyone who can answer original questions please??</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter, I did that for the SAT II Chem last year, and nothing bad happened to me.</p>

<p>you sure?
nothing’s ever happened to anyone before?</p>

<p>yeah don’t worry. i think as long as you write the statement it’s fine.</p>

<p>HAHAHA today a bunch of people in the room didn’t know how to write in cursive so the proctor had to write the cursive alphabet on the board. It took about 10 minutes to certify the statement…</p>

<p>It should be fine no worries</p>

<p>i dont think it would matter too much</p>

<p>Did you not write it at all or just not in cursive? You should still be fine if it’s not in cursive.</p>

<p>if it’s not in cursive, you lose 30 points off of the writing section.
if it’s not written at all, you lost 60 points.</p>

<p>He is kidding ;}</p>