<p>-did not use mailing labels
-folded and stapled teacher forms (they were processed fine though)
-put a violin award under ACADEMIC honors...so four correctly put and an incorrectly put violin one
-for add. info i listed extra ecs and other minor honors veven though i think they do not want that done ( AP schoalr with honros...130 hours comm. serviec..)
-for one of the 7 EC slots, i put violin, then listed 3 orchestral groups that i perform in...now that i think about it...i think i shouldve just put one....</p>
<p>So now, what im wondering is, will these admissions officers possibly put all these pieces together and come to the conclusion that i simply cant follow directions? Do u think this will have a sginificant or ANY effect at all?</p>
<p>I guess im just freaking out a lot cause the wait sucks....but do u think i can be adversely affected by these details?</p>
<p>I don’t think it will hurt you. As long as your checked AXESS and everything is submitted, I think you’ll be fine. Admissions officers use your application to get a complete picture of you as a student and I don’t think they’ll be bothered by technicalities such as where you put one EC. At the end of the day, they’ll know what you’ve done in high school regardless of where you put that info, and they’ll make a decision off of that.</p>
<p>is AP Scholar with Honors not a big deal enough to be put in the Academic Honors section?
I thought it belongs right after National Merit, Cum Laude Society etc.</p>
<p>They said that they didn’t want additional honors and ECs in the additional info? I hope they look at AP scores cause I put National AP Scholar and a few other things in the additional info…</p>
<p>i don’t think that kinda stuff matters, they just want to use the application to see who you are. following directions is not one of their stated criteria. if you rushed the application in general (including essays) though, that might come through. either way, i dont think they would hold listing stuff in the additional info section against you. all stanford’s website says is to not attach any additional documents, and the Additional Info box is part of the CommonApp form they say is required. at least that’s how i interpret it.</p>
<p>I interpreted it the same exact way Matrix. The additional info section in a section of the common app, and it isnt additional material being sent to stanford beyond the application.</p>