<p>My scores compared to what we had agreed to be correct dont exactly match up.</p>
<p>^ Haha, does it still even matter?</p>
<p>yes, because a lot of kids get their hopes up when they go by the consensus.</p>
<p>they were actually overwhelmingly correct for me
i expected the conclusion that you make now before we got scores back because I suspected that collectively CC wouldn’t get everything right or wouldn’t catch everything. i was wrong; the two questions i missed were in fact the only ones i missed. you may have just made stupid mistakes.</p>
<p>yes, after discussing the SAT on cc, I came to the conclusion that I had gotten -1 in both M and CR. Those were my exact results.</p>
<p>Also, I have accurately predicted my subject test results for all 4 of them after CC discussion</p>
<p>Yeah, reading the predicted answers posted on CC, I was able to predict my score within a ~40 pt range</p>
<p>the kid has a point.
after reading the october sat discussion i was convinced i got mid 600s in cr, low 700s in math, and low 700s in writing.</p>
<p>my scores came out to be: 760 cr, 690 m, 800w.</p>
<p>cc isn’t infallible =p</p>