I already signed up for Math II, Chemistry, and maybe World History for June 6th. However, I’m not even halfway through the prep book for Math II and I’m forgetting all the chemistry and World History I learned this year in those respective AP classes. I have finals and two big projects and I really don’t have time to study. But next year I’m going into AP Calc BC, do you think it’d be too late to take Math II after that? Or maybe I should just do Chem and World History? It seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to study for finals, do homework, work on projects, and study for SAT IIs.
Do you really think that things are going to slow down by October? I doubt it. Take them now and get them over with while the material is still somewhat fresh in your mind. Next year, while you are in the midst of Calc BC, you will be so far removed from the math topics that show up on the subject tests that it’s comical.
Personally I think prep books for subject tests are overrated, but that’s me.
Lol, taking Calc BC now and finally taking Math II on June 6th as well. Reading through the prep book being like, what’s a pyramid again?
So, sounds like I should just take in June. Darn.
If you don’t think you will be ready for all of them by June, you can focus on the ones you think you will do the best on. Most colleges don’t require subject tests and those that do rarely require three. I think you will have a better chance of remembering things you learned this year now rather than october when you will be busy with college application stuff. Also remember you have things like score choice. If things don’t pan out this time around, you could still take it again abeit with more practice and an understanding what it will be like