I really need help picking a safe school

<p>So, right now I am applying to UNR, Tulane, Occidental, and U of the Pacific. UNR is a sure thing, and I was okay with taking the risk of only getting into there until recently. Now the Governor has cut the budget 47% and they are slashing their adjunct faculty. The result will be that nearly all the classes are going to be huge. So, I need a safe school that I will actually be happy going to. Can anyone give me some advice, these are my stats:</p>

<p>Current college: Community College
GPA: 3.69
Leadership: Phi Theta Kappa VP of Services
Major: Geology or Earth Sciences
Recs: Should be good
Work: Math tutor
Other stuff:
Obama for America Precinct Captain
Elected as a delegate to represent Obama to the County and State conventions</p>

<p>My classes have been rather challenging, including Pre-calc, Macro, and Gen Bio in the summer and a "fasttrack" anatomy and physiology course that was a year of A&P in one semester.</p>

<p>I really want to go somewhere small, like a liberal arts college. Is there a certain acceptance rate or selectivity ranking I should be looking for? Are there any t1 schools that I could consider safe schools? Also, I don't want to go anywhere with a religious affiliation since I am an earth sciences major.</p>

<p>try whitman</p>

<p>You should look for a transfer acceptance rate, for a safe school, of 40% or more. 40% is okay if your stats are quite high for the school. If not you want an even higher rate to be “safe.”</p>

<p>There’s really not a formula to it, but that’s how I would go about it.</p>

<p>Andale is accurate. rank sometimes doesn’t match the acceptance rate.
You might have a look at collegeboard college stats for admission=>transfer ratio, even though i have no idea how accurate it is.</p>

<p>I’m a returning adult student with a CHSPE (and about to get a GED for the schools that don’t take the CHSPE). So, my high school stats aren’t really stats at all, just test transcripts. I’m sure that colors things a bit, which is why I’m really uncertain about finding a safe school. Right now I’m looking at schools that have acceptance rates around 60%.</p>

<p>A couple of schools I am applying to don’t require high school transcripts, including U of the Pacific, and Rensselaer (which I added today). U of the Pacific accepted 50% of transfer applicants last year, so I am kind of thinking of them as semi-safe. Rensselaer, 60% but I don’t think I can consider them as safe.</p>

<p>gobackto2005, I’m using the US News transfer stats. Hopefully those are accurate.</p>