<p>Hello, I am currently freshman at top 15 liberal arts college, but I am not satisfied with this school because 1) LAC does not have engineering program 2) location(it's rural area) 3) social scene, well, first reason is the important factor that I want to transfer from this school. But problem is I got 3.2 GPA first semester and C+ from calc class. I know this will be really bad for transfer admission especially if I wanna go to engin schools. So, I try to take summer school classes to raise my GPA next summer. I decided not to stay here. Anyway, my question is I am looking for some transfer schools like Cooper Union, WASHU, Northwestern and other bigger universities which have engin programs. I am going to try during sophomore year(JUNIOR transfer). CU is definitely my dream school. What should I do, what should I start to prepare these schools? (I know this is repeated questions in this forum...but I have no idea about transfer admission, and I cannot really ask other friends at my school) Oh, and if I re-take SAT tests and get better scores than before, is it more advantageous?
Please, help me please I really need you guys' advice.</p>
<p>(sorrrry guys, i thought i put first post on wrong forum so i just wrote again sorry)</p>