I received a conduct/disciplinary suspension and graduated, would I be able to get into FIU for a second bachelor's?

I was going to FAU and had been really struggling with some mental health issues as well as a lack of motivation to do well in my classes, so I ended up getting not so great grades my last couple of semesters and was unable to pass the last class I needed to graduate twice. The college of business only allowed you to take each class twice unless you had extenuating circumstances, so I wanted to try to convince them my mental health issues qualified me to try a third time but for some reason was so nervous to ask my therapist for a note confirming my problems that I forged a letter from a made up therapist. I sent in the fake letter, immediately regretted it and then a week later was told they knew it was a forgery, I was suspended from the university for it, and decided to graduate with a Bachelor in General Studies.

Now I would like to go to FIU to get a second bachelor’s and wanted to get an idea of my chances of being accepted, I am also considering taking a couple of classes at a community college nearby in an attempt to show that I’ve fixed my motivation problems and am doing better before I apply. For the first three years or so my grades were all A’s and B’s, it was just in the last year that I really started struggling with motivation.

What is the goal in getting a second Bachelors? Not all universities will give a second Bachelors, and in most cases a Masters is a better use of time & money.

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