<p>so i took business calc and macroecon in the spring and got a C+ in both.</p>
<p>retook the two at a state school this summer for better understanding and a higher grade (although the grade will not even be factored into my real college gpa). This time, I got a B+ in econ and a B in calc. (he didnt give out +'s). (I also took a new class, psychology 101 and got a B+ which I'm transferring credit) but is there even any point in transferring the two retake classes to my official transcript? Could it even be detrimental? If I ever apply to transfer somewhere or for grad school applications will someone think, "this kid only went from a C+ to a B? He already had taken the class and this time took it at the easy state school. what an idiot..."?</p>
<p>please help.</p>