<p>I applied SCEA to Stanford and was rejected. I sent in my other 7 apps yesterday. I reviewed everything twice before I sent it in. However...on every single app I sent in, I didn't change the personal statement. I completely forgot about it and missed it when I print previewed it. So all my apps say I want to go to Stanford...</p>
<p>I'm an idiot and I know I should've been more careful and seen this. I don't need to hear all that from you guys. What I need is advice on what to do next. I feel like I've screwed up my entire future.</p>
<p>o_O I wouldn’t count to high on getting in but maybe they’ll let ya in on honesty. on the other handf you could write another real quick and send it in and say you accidentally sent them the wrong one. you can even add a little humor and say you sent stanford their statement.</p>
<p>Wow. I did the same exact thing except it was just for one school, and that school just happened to be in junction with the school i mentioned in the essay. I don’t think the ivy league schools will take this lightly- but if you have the credentials, I’m sure you’ll be considered.</p>
<p>The schools I applied to yesterday were Brown, Duke, Notre Dame, Yale, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins, and Northwestern. So just email all of them and say I made a mistake and here is the correct one?</p>
<p>Why not just contact the admission offices and ask them to replace your personal statement?</p>
<p>I sent a wrong copy of my essay to one of mine, and i called their offices and e-mailed the final copy. Whats so hard about that?</p>
<p>Like northstarmom stated, they won’t review the copy you originally sent in. And since you sent it in yesterday, there is no way they have begun the reviewing process. </p>
<p>I suppose you could just tell them you sent them the wrong essay? Of course it depends on what the essay actually says… if it says “I really really want to go to Stanford” then you might have a bit of a problem. But if it says “that is why I believe Stanford is a good choice for me” then I think schools would be inclined to let that go.</p>
<p>All it says about Stanford is that they will be gaining a hard-working, ambitious student. That’s the only time I mention Stanford. I really like my personal statement as is. When I send the schools my “correct” version, is it okay to just replace Stanford with the name of the school? Or does that seem not right?</p>
<p>Unless you need to make other changes, just replace “Stanford.” Do not tell the colleges why you want want to change your personal statement. Just send a correct copy, and ask them to replace the other one with it. More than likely a clerk will do this without reading the app.</p>
<p>Today is Sun. It’s highly unlikely anyone in admissions will be in the office. Just send the correct version and call to make sure they use it. They are busy right now and are preparing for their own holidays. Unless you flag them about the wrong college name, they’ll probably not notice it.</p>
<p>I honestly think if you send it today/tomorrow and call to reaffirm they switch the statements, it shouldn’t affect your chances. Most of the schools you just listed have just finished their ED decisions, so I’d assume that they won’t be viewing RD until after the application deadlines. I accidentally sent Northwestern a messed up version of my transcipt, simply sent the correct version and called up there. I told the clerk to just toss the other one and use the new one and she was more than happy- didn’t even get opened.</p>
<p>As long as you’ve caught it early, I think you’ll be fine. Sorry about Stanford.</p>
<p>Okay, I figured out that it would’ve been impossible to change my personal statement in the commonapp. Since I applied to Stanford it saved my essay and personal info and statement and it won’t let me change it. So what am I supposed to do? Is it possible to change it? I still have to apply to Wake Forest and Penn and I don’t want my incorrect statement to be sent.</p>
<p>You should be able to make changes to an application
prior to submitting it to another school. They call it ‘creating an alternate version.’
In the Common Application support center, you can find the answers under
Changes After Submission.</p>
<p>You cannot make changes for a school that you’ve already
submitted to.</p>