I screwed up in the past, what are my options now?

I barely passed high school and i stumbled through my first few semesters in community college, few Bs and a C (in Eng 100 ffs), but I finally put on the batteries as my mom would say, and been putting in real effort the last couple semesters, earning all As, that’s also in more rigorous courses (Comp Sci classes, Calculus, physics).

If I were to work hard and keep that up, according to the GPA calculator I could end up with a 3.6 GPA, which I know isn’t all that impressive, but you can pretty clearly see the transformation on my transcript

Given all that, which universities do you think i have a decent shot at in California? At UCs specifically, will admissions take into consideration the change in performance?

Probably also worth mentioning I’ve already been in college for a while, part of that half-assing meant I pretty much wasted some semesters, I’m gonna end up being here in community college for 3+ years, in case that has any effect.

@Gumbymom might have some suggestions.

I would suggest that you speak with the transfer advisor at your community college ASAP. This person should have good info for you.

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There are plenty of California universities that a 3.6 GPA would be competitive.

Are you at a California Community College currently? If so, the CC’s transfer advisor is there to help you figure out what you need to successfully transfer to a UC or Cal State.

The UC’s offer TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee) for 6 campuses where if you meet GPA and course requirements, will be guaranteed admission at one of the TAG campuses. https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/_files/documents/tag-matrix.pdf

UC Transfer GPA by major and campus can help determine if you competitive: Transfers by major | University of California

The CSU’s offer ADT which guarantees transfers and acceptance at one of the 23 CSU’s however, specific campuses is not guaranteed.

The universities would look more at your recent grades so showing an upward grade trend will definitely help.


Thank you so much, I’ll definitely go talk to my transfer advisor to get a better idea, this gives me some closure

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