I Sent a Low Sat Subject Test Score To UCs ! Help Me Please

Hello all! I am currently a senior and I’ve been focusing on my UC applications lately. I currently go to a small charter school that is completely new, and so I’m in the first graduating class. However, since we are the first, we’ve been through constant trial and error. I was told to use the Free Send option when I take the test which allows me to have 4 free college sends prior to the test. I took the Math 2 Subject Test, however got a 620 which in my opinion is low since a vast majority receive 700+. Long story short, it was not a good day for me that day. I’m deciding to take it again this December (last absolute test date), but will my low score affect my admissions in any way? (I am applying as a Math Major)

Not if your new scores are higher.

Which I hope to do, but if not?

UC’s only recommend, not require SAT subject tests and usually they can only help your chances and not negatively impact your chances. Since you are applying as a Math major, you definitely need to bump up this score. The UC’s will consider the higher score if you are able to increase it in the December sitting.