<p>I am against drinking and think it is stupid but since I am on a study abroad trip I figured what the hell. So I was sitting in a room with a group of people and had to go to the bathroom. I had to climb over the beds tripped and fell. One boy said "That girl is so #$" up" while another offered to walk me to my room. He said lay on your side so you do not choke on your vomit. When I left the restroom and went back to the room a girl looked up at me and said "Why are you here?" and they all just looked at me. I was actually perfectly fine since after the incident I spent the night walking around the streets crying. I am so ashamed at myself that I made a decision a teenager would make at 20 yrs old. The whole night I spent thinking to myself " Your 20 why did you do it?". </p>
<p>3 drinks was all it took to literally traumatize me for the rest of my life. I never touched the stuff before and after this I certainly will never touch it again. I am still completely distroyed and probably will forever be while the group will tell their friends, family, kids, grandkids so on. I am at the point where I am thinking of hurting myself it just sux.</p>
<p>Actually I'm sure they've all seen worse.. I'm only 16 but the first time I got drunk it was 20x worse, and I've seen drunk people WAY worse than what you've explained.</p>
<p>Trust me, they won't really care, and now you know your limits and next time you'll take better care of yourself.</p>
<p>^^^what Eloquence said. People generally won't hold the fact that you got drunk against you, unless you followed up by getting behind the wheel. They know you're a college kid who makes some bad choices and some good choices. You'll be alright.</p>
<p>I am curious as to what you drank that made you that drunk after just 3 drinks? Are you a really small person?</p>
<p>everyone drinks too much one time or the other. i remember i thought i got alcohol poisoning the first time i drank. i was throwing up black stuff all night and couldnt see straight. you just need to learn how to drink thats all. no one usually holds it against someone if they drink to much unless they do something very out of line. i drink all the time but still after like 2 years of drinking i fall off sometimes. the two rules you need to remember :</p>
<p>"beer before liquor never sicker"
"liquor before beer your in the clear"</p>
<p>No, really, if you're asian you might not be able to drink. A lot of asians have an alcohol intolerance (like lactose intolerance) and their bodies just can't process it. Not all, but many. Three drinks should not get you that bad.</p>
<p>Some people just get that, some people actually get full blown sick. And then some people are 100% fine. Like I said, it's like lactose intolerance, if it's very bad it just means you have to avoid what makes you sick (except they don't make pills for this one.)</p>
<p>you shouldnt let one incident stop you from drinking for the rest of your life. One of the first times I got drunk, I ended up throwing up and ended up waking up hugging the toilet the next morning. That incident kept me from drinking for a couple of months, but now, whenever I drink, I now know what my limits are because of that incident.</p>
<p>it just sounds like she drank a bit too much, got the "the world is out to get me" and crying all night. completely normal and has nothing to do with intolerance. and if you have friends who would hold a night of when you drank a bit too much against you... well they sound like bad friends anyways.</p>
<p>You really think three drinks should do that to anybody? I suppose if they were exceptionally strong drinks and she's very small or something... still sounds like intolerance to me though.</p>
<p>I don't get it; if you had never drunk before, how did you get to the point where you got drunk the first time? Although I dislike drunks and party animals, I have myself sipped, or tried, beer and other beverages before (toasts/celebrations/curiosity) and I could not tolerate anything more than a glass. The tastes is just too repulsive for me and I tend too wince and quiver as I swallow the liquid. Did you just like it right off the bat and continue drinking?</p>
<p>Don't feel bad, kenshi. A friend of mine got drunk at a final club (Harvard's equivalent of a frat house) and she vomited all over all these upperclassmen's feet. it was pretty funny to both of us at the time, but Harvard is all about networking and now she has like 10 upperclass enemies.</p>
<p>lol this is hilarious how big of a deal she is making over this. I'm sorry you had one bad night.. but get a life its normal and part of the college experience. Take it seriously and study but go and have some fun too.</p>
<p>That's why you shouldn't do something you're not normally comfortable with unless you're in a safe, controlled environment. You only have yourself to blame...you shouldn't have tempted fate.</p>
<p>Everyone screws up once in there first couple times of drinking. I vomited in a friends car one of my first times. Karma got me back a year ago, and a friend vomited in mine. You learn your limits through mistakes.</p>
<p>I have not vomited since then, and that was 3 years ago.</p>
<p>Wait, did I miss something? Did someone die or something? Or is all that happened that you tripped over a chair and threw up and people noticed that you were really drunk?</p>
<p>That happens all the time. Those people won't care about it enough to remember more than a week, whether or not they like you. It's not remarkable at all, and if they tell anyone, I doubt that person will be interested enough to care.</p>
<p>I think people were just worried about you, that's all. I've been there, it's embarrassing, but it happens to tons of people and nobody will bother to single you out. </p>
<p>unless you actually killed someone. That's not quite as common.</p>