I should have never drank

<p>"this is why i believe that everyone should get really drunk at least once before going to college."</p>

<p>+1 you see so many good students from high school screw up in college for this reason alone.</p>

<p>Very dramatic. The first time I drank was when I was a sophomore in high school. I got drunk a few times. Eventually, I got completely messed up and ending up throwing up/passing out on my friends bathroom floor. I got caught and went home at 3AM. Havn't gotten messed up that bad since.</p>

<p>i agree. i think you should have the drinking experience before entering college so you know that you wont get in over your head annnnd a plus is that you would build up some sort of tolerence so you wont um get drunk off of 3 drinks.lol.</p>

<p>That's what's wrong with America. If the drinking age was lower, then people would grow up with alcohol and they would know what their limits are. It's so stupid that you have to be 21 to legally purchase alcohol in this country.</p>

<p>It's stupid that this country makes getting drunk seem cool. Not so in many other places. Personally, I lose a lot of respect for people when they're drunk around me. Drunk people make me ridiculously uncomfortable. The fun in drinking comes from the socialization, not getting drunk or even tipsy. Plus, being drunk is about the worst feeling in the world. I've grown up around too many alcoholics and had too many people in my family to die of liver problems very young to have any tolerance to drunks.</p>

<p>Not that the OP should feel so bad about being drunk. It happens. Just now you know why being drunk is so lousy and learn to drink socially.</p>

<p>kenshi chill...seriously...just chill...</p>

<p>sack up and take a few.</p>

<p>Not much to say that hasn't already been said. Everyone drinks, welcome to real life =P</p>

It's stupid that this country makes getting drunk seem cool. Not so in many other places.


<p>Umm, no? Which other places are you talking about? Saudi Arabia?</p>

<p>"i think you should have the drinking experience before entering college so you know that you wont get in over your head"</p>

<p>Agreed. Drinking experience doesn't have to mean going to a house party either.</p>

<p>Though, I'm a fairly small person and I would not be vomiting after three drinks.</p>

<p>I empathize with the OP. I still cringe when I remember when I was in college and vomited in front of a group of people after having one drink of wine. </p>

<p>Frankly, I thnk that anyone who thinks that something like that is funny has a warped sense of humor.</p>

<p>That embarassing experience taught me not to drink on an empty stomach. (I hadn't had anything to eat all day). I also learned that people forgot about the incident very quickly. It didn't ruin my social life or anything, and I also didn't do something that ended up like that again.</p>

<p>By the way, I used to work in alcohol rehabilitation. Depending on one's size, how much one has eaten, and how large and strong the drinks were and the length of the time period that you drank them, three drinks can cause drunkenness. Being able to drink a lot and not feel the effects is a sign of early stage alcoholism and also puts one at risk for becoming alcoholic. </p>

<p>Why? The more one drinks, the more one raises one's risk of developing alcoholism. Google, and you can find the research to back up my statement. I've seen the research and also have seen the evidence in real life in that some acquaintances who as teens and young adults had well deserved reps for being able to drink others under the table ended up in alcohol rehab later on. Being able to drink a lot and still function is not something to brag about.</p>

<p>I can see how the situation could be embarrassing especially around folks you don't know. I can remember how awkward it was when this one girl we barely knew puked on the floor of our apartment. And she was cute. It was still a bit weird for everyone involved.</p>

<p>But you know what, it happens to a lot of folks in college, and growing up in general. I don't hold it against her, or people in general. I'm guilty of doing some dumb things while drunk. I'm also guilty of doing some dumb things while sober. Sometimes you learn some important lessons that way, and sometimes it makes for a good story. Just live and learn and don't kill yourself on the way.</p>

<p>Northstarmom is correct. Your alcohol tolerance can be affected by many factors -- including a genetic inability to process alcohol.</p>

<p>Women in general don't tolerate alcohol as well as men, and it takes fewer drinks. I've been drinking for years, and I can honestly say that three drinks, particularly within a short time period, would make me fall over someone.</p>

<p>To the OP: your friends were concerned about you. They would probably be surprised to learn that you are so anguished over the incident. I echo others: take this as a lesson, and do with it what you will.</p>

<p>Better advice:</p>

<p>Learn to hold your liquor.</p>

<p>what were you drinking? i'm guessing vodka</p>

<p>If you were really fine, then you could have just looked at the people and said, "I'm fine." Its not that hard, is it?</p>

<p>If you were really drunk, they understand.</p>

<p>At least you were drunk. I was sober. WHAT'S MY EXCUSE?!?!?</p>

<p><em>hides in a corner</em></p>

<p>Drinking is for losers. Okay, you can do it once in a while but to base your social life around alcohol is plain stupid. I have no respect for people who party and drink every week.</p>

<p>That's what you get for not drinking before and not knowing your limits. A wasted teenager beats a sloppy 20 year old I always say.</p>

<p>Hah you think you got it bad? In the beginning of this summer, I went to a party and had 10 shots of vodka (I'm Russian) without eating anything the whole day. I ended up cheating on my girlfriend, whom I got back together with the previous day for the fourth time, spent 2 hours outside a room she was in begging to talk to her and walked home, 15 blocks away, at 2:30 AM. Woke up in the morning and became best friends with my toilet for about 3 hours. Could barely eat all day also. Not the most fun experience.</p>

<p>The only good thing about this is I guess I learned my tolerance of alcohol and how much I can drink. This experience will also be something that lingers in the back of my head every time I drink whether my senior year in high school (which is coming up), later on in college, or in life in general.</p>