<p>I was in a group with 3 other girls and 1 guy and we had to answer questions in a paper. This "knowitall" girl agreed with me on one of the questions.</p>
<p>When the teacher called on us during class discussion to explain our answers, I volunteered because none of the other girls in my group knew the answer. But I must've sounded really stupid because the "knowitall" girl started looking at the other girl in our group and started laughing.</p>
<p>Then when another group answered the same question and got it right, the guy in my group was like "yeaah". (as in you go girl). (This made me feel even more humiliated)</p>
<p>Then the miss "knowitall" girl refuses to acknowledge that she ever agreed with me on the answer when she clearly had the same idea. She like tells the guy , "I had down a different answer".</p>
<p>I feel dissed and kind of ****ed off. Please help me get over this. Sorry, I know this is really random.</p>
<p>Some people were kind of surprised because I'm supposed to be shy.</p>
<p>Just laugh it off. Probably everyone else but you forgot about it 3 minutes after it happened. Because you're shy, you were very embarrassed, but it wasn't an earth shaking event that people are remembering. (Saying this, too, as a person who used to be very shy, so has empathy for you).</p>
<p>Hm, both my English teacher and AP US History teachers make me feel like that.</p>
<p>For example, my English teacher would ask me to expound on my interpretations of a stanza or something, and then he'd twist and turn it (in a logical and completely valid way) and use it against me. Then I'd have to explain why it's not what he said, and that I meant a completely different thing. I never win :(.</p>
<p>My APUSH teacher, on the other hand, listens to my argument and then runs it into the ground. Like, into the freaking ground. And these arguments take me like, forever to compile. Then he makes allusions (in jest, I think) on my lack of intelligence and reasoning.</p>
<p>All I can do is sit in my seat and think "damnit, he's right" over and over again lol.</p>
<p>This is another example of how society can turn out to be.</p>
<p>I agree with schrizto, though. It was very immature and mean of them, but it happens to everyone (including me). So just let it go, and I’m sure you’ll be over it soon enough.</p>
<p>I experience that on a daily basis. Most people encounter me to be really smart, but after they hang out with me, they would state, “Wow elleway, your like the smartest and dumbest person I ever met.” I have my dumb moments and glory moments. Just laugh it out and be careful around knowitall b*****.</p>
<p>Laugh it off. I bet she doesn’t sound any better.
But if YOU want to make improvements to your speech skills, there’s likely a few groups out there you can join. Like Toastmasters.</p>
<p>To attempt to silence a man is to pay him homage, for it is an acknowledgement that his arguments are both impossible to answer and impossible to ignore.</p>
<p>Let it go. I’ve said a lot of stupid things in class.
If it makes you feel any better, I’ll share my tales of embarrassment. </p>
<p>In my Mandarin class, the instructor, who barely spoke any English, went around the class and asked all the Asian kids their Chinese names. I, who am not Asian, asked if he wanted my Chinese name too (I studied abroad in Beijing for two years and had one). The entire class laughed that the not-Chinese-girl had a Chinese name, and I felt a bit idiotic. But in hindsight, I do see the humor in it.</p>
<p>In my Women’s Studies course, my instructor was talking about males and some sexual functions… I, who had not really been paying attention, and only heard the last couple of words she said, blurted out rather loudly to my friend “why do guys drop balls?” Thinking she meant actual baseballs or basketballs.
I got some weird looks.</p>
<p>In my History course, my instructor told the class to “act” like how people would have during slavery and she assigned “roles” to each student. I was supposed to be a slaveholder.
One student said “Do you beat your kids? You shouldn’t do anything to your slaves that you don’t do to your kids.”
I responded with a random outburst of “I beat my kids like I beat my slaves!”
Also received some weird looks and laughs. </p>
<p>Finally, on the first day of my Sociology class, my instructor was calling role and I told her I preferred to be called my middle name instead of my first name. She asked why, and I kind of…shouted, “Because I was named after the ugly girl on a TV show from the 80s!”</p>
<p>I’ve learned sporadically shouting gets me in trouble a lot.
I believe everyone has their stupid-class moments.
I have a lot.</p>