I struggle with depression and ADHD

Since about 2010 ive had depression. I go to therapy because of my chronic depression but it doesnt do much. I currently go to a very challenging Catholic school in Pennsylvania and i take honors English and History and the rest of my classes including religion are CP. i also take art and business law as a sophomore.

I struggle at home trying to complete homework assignments after school because i cant focus once my ADHD medicine wears off. Even recently my ADHD meds havent been very effective during the day. The depression also causes me to lack motivation to do anything. Ive been working with my doctors trying to find meds that work but nothings helped yet.
Im honestly so exhausted and stressed. Im so worried about my grades and i know i cant keep this up because ive been like this for the past 3 years. I have so much potential but the heavy work load is bringing me down.
A month or so ago i began to consider dropping out but i know my parents would never let me and it would be setting myself up for failure. So just today i began to think about cyber school. I feel like colleges wont take me seriously when they see i finished high school online. Also, i feel i would be missing out on a lot of social interactions. I plan to talk with my parents about it but i really dont know if its right for me? Are cyber schools any good? I intend to be a lawyer or something along those lines. Will cyber school give me the quality education i need? Do they offer religion classes?
I really need help and i keep skipping school because of my depression. I feel like cyber school is my only option.
Please help

Cyberschool not necessarily a good idea. The need to structure your own time and organize your day on your own is probably not what you need right now. It’s even easier to skip cyberschool than a brick and mortar School, especially if you would be home alone all day.

Other things to try: Could you take a lighter academic load? Or, see if there is a less stresful school you could transfer to?

@lizzy1510 Hi, I can empathize. What grade are you in?

Can you talk to your parents about seeing a good pediatric psychiatrist to discuss a thorough medical workup and treatment for your depression?

It is a serious and very personal decision, but I would recommend that over cyber school for someone with depression. I actually very pro-homeschooling but making transitions like that are very hard with depression and motivation is important to successfully homeschool/cyberschool.

I agree with @MACmiracle on both making sure you have the right psychiatrist to manage your meds and on cyber school not necessarily being a good choice when you’re struggling with depression. (And I am also very pro-homeschooling; the motivation/discipline required for cyber schooling may be beyond what you can handle in your current situation.)

Here’s a few more thoughts:

  1. Depression and ADHD are both conditions where the “best practice” for treatment is a combination of meds (preferably administered by a psychiatrist who specializes in both your condition and patients of your age, rather than your pediatrician chucking some Ritalin in your direction) and talk therapy. You don’t mention having a therapist. I think that’s an invaluable resource you’re missing – a trained 3rd party who can both work with you and act as “translator” between you and your parents will help a LOT.

  2. If you don’t have either a 504 Plan or an IEP in place at school, you need one, like, yesterday. Ask your parents to approach the school about evaluation and setting up a plan. Your condition is impacting your academic performance and you are legally entitled to accommodations to help you maintain your scholastic progress in spite of your challenges. Even just having an accommodation which gives you extended time on assignments may make a world of difference in how you’re feeling about school.

  3. Stop worrying about your eventual college plans and focus on your health. Right now, you’re not healthy. If you had the flu, you wouldn’t be expected to just “tough it out.” Depression is no different (except that society wants to tell us it is). Be honest with your parents and lay it out: “I’m depressed, I’m falling behind, I feel awful all the time. I need help.” If for whatever reason you are not getting the support you need from them, find a trusted adult at school (guidance counselor or favorite teacher) to talk to. You need better med management and you need counseling and you need more support at school. And once you’re feeling better, you can work on the other stuff. But cyber school isn’t going to address ANY of that.

Good luck, and I hope you feel better very soon. Depression is temporary no matter how much it lies to us and insists it’s permanent. With the right help you will get beyond it.