I suppose this is the popular thing to do? Chance me.

<p>GPA (unweighted): 3.95
GPA (weighted): 4.61
AP classes (6): US Gov't (3), US History (2), Calc AB (4), Chem (4), Lang/Comp (5)
ACT: 31
EC's: The big stuff being marching/concert band (section leader for 2 years and about every musical honor you can imagine) and newspaper (assistant editor-in-chief and some fspa awards). I'm also president of Interact Club and Swing Dance Club. Member of NHS, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society
Community service: about 200 hours, but mostly on out-of-state (or out-of-country) projects
Major: Journalism or PR</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good shot. Not a lock…</p>

<p>just one reply?
(thanks to you SSobick, though)</p>

<p>Please Don’t apply, you are taking my spot in the school of Journalism.</p>

<p>Haha. Don’t worry. We’ll both get in and be super journalism kids.
What specific major in the college are you wanting to do?</p>

<p>If he’s not a lock, I’m scared for my chances.</p>

<p>He’s above the midranges for everything.</p>

<p>Broadcasting/News is what I’m looking to do, however, I’m near the top of each midrange for SAT, but drastically lacking in the GPA Dept., and I’m OOS</p>

<p>Matt125- I’m not a “he” :slight_smile: but thanks</p>

<p>Rsxwheeeeeee- That sounds awesome. What’s your UF GPA?</p>

<p>my Core GPA the way my school calculates is 3.34, and without doing the exact math, I’d estimate my UF GPA is in the 3.6-3.7 range</p>

<p>id say your in, idk how their essays are but yea, id say in</p>

<p>oh man thats what i wanna hear.
(my essay’s pretty kick, just sayin. lol)
uf’s my top choice since i totally doubt ill get into unc or maryland</p>

<p>rsxwheeeeee-I think so long as you’ve got some crazy ec’s you’ll be fine. what state are you hailing from?</p>

<p>looks good, how’s ur SAT/ACT?</p>

<p>haha i applied to for journalism too OOS from california. hopefully we all just get in…</p>

<p>im from GA, and my ECs are…few but time-consuming (big one being marching band), and my essay was examined by top men. TOP. MEN. :D</p>



<p>If SSobick says you have a good chance, that means you’re a guaranteed admit :P</p>

<p>Haha TOP. MEN. i like that.</p>

<p>That’d be totally awesome if we all got in. Keep me posted when decisions go out :)</p>

<p>hey unknowndestiny, where in florida are you from? i have family, and i used to live in titusville, right outside of the space center.</p>

<p>haha wrong side. i’m in pensacola. panhandle.</p>

<p>nice, my dad did some navy flight school training there.</p>

<p>sweet. yeah NAS is like…the typical field trip when you live around here loll</p>