<p>Hi! So when I was a freshman, I heard that I needed to get involved in the things that attract my attention. Unfortunately, I think I overdid that because I have so many interests. But now I am a senior and I don't really want to drop anything because of leadership positions and because I love what I do. Are these too many or am I okay? Also, is it okay if my EC's don't really go together? I just have a lot of interests. I know the whole depth over breadth and quality over quantity thing, but honestly, I've managed to achieve both. </p>
1. History Club---leadership team (4 years)
2. Science Club (4 years)--Secretary
3. Student Government---Freshman Representative, sophomore president, Junior Class President, Student Body President and Homecoming Representative
4. Green Team (3 years) (Co-President)
5. SADD (2 years) (Secretary) (President)
6. Dream Team (2 years)
7. Spanish Club (3 years) (Secretary and 2x Vice President)
8. National Honors Society (2 years) (**Secretary or VP)
9. Quiz Bowl Acceptance and Competitor (Captain of Quiz Bowl)
11. National Spanish Honors Society (1 year) (President)
12. FROGS (freshman orientation guide)--1 year (promoted to a higher position, had to monitor all the other guides and got a different shirt haha)</p>
<p>Summer Activities:
• Missions Trip to Vero Beach Florida (7 days)
• Chemistry, Textiles, and Polymer science Camp (3 days)
• Renewable energy and engineering camp (5 days)
• Volunteered at Village @ Brookwood Nursing Home (8-12, twice a week)
• Local outreach, ministry, and volunteer work (9am-4pm twice a week)
• Alice in Wonderland Musical---Alice (rehearsal every day for 2-8 hours mid-July to mid-September)
• Summer Ventures in Math and Science (June 16-July 18) (FREE selective state residential program)
• Local outreach, ministry, and volunteer work once a week
• Sweeney Todd Musical---Quintet/Ensemble (rehearsal every day 3-6 hours August-October)
• Project Uplift at UNC Chapel Hill
• Created (with my church) the first summer/bible camp at Andrews Elementary. 1 week long and stayed overnight. Worked as a supervising counselor (60 hours)
• Freshman Orientation Guide (FROG) for 3 days
• Camp Counselor for KidzCamp (A religious/ musical theater overnight camp) 1 week --60 hours
• Campaigned vigorously for the NAACP Moral Freedom Summer
• Shrek Musical (lead)</p>
<p>Work Experience:
Panera Bread (November 2013-June 2014) 25 hours a week
Paid internship with a magazine (July 2014--)</p>
<p>Best EC's:
-Stem Cell Research program 10 weeks (selective and time consuming)
-1st and only student representative on the school board
-Summer Ventures in Math and science
-Paid internship
-Psychology research under the head professor at Elon university
-On student advisory panel to the superintendent</p>
<p>So is this too many? I even left out some things like instruments I play, all the musicals I've been in, my sports , and my volunteering! HELP!
If it helps, I am applying to Duke (legacy) , UNC-Chapel hill (legacy + in-state + URM), UNCW, American University, JHU, and possibly Cornell and Georgetown
GPA: 3.7/4.8
SAT: first time 1930-no study, projecting 2100+ based on practice tests</p>